This small mountain bag called "Hanging Rock" is 700 meters above sea level and a relative height of more than 100 meters. It is located in the central part of Victoria in southwest Australia, 70 kilometers away from Melbourne. Victoria is the smallest and most densely populated state on the Australian continent. The year 1900 was the junction of the two eras. The film's narration of the exquisite British life and the silent force of nature is another portrayal of the reality at that time.
Peter Weir took this lunch when he was 31 years old. This is his first film. When I was undergraduate, I watched a lot of movies and gobbled up dates. Death Poetry Club, reality show, I don’t feel much after watching it. However, I finally saw a film at the right time. It didn't take much patience to finish the reading. I remembered it from time to time in the next few days, and my back shook. Don't dare to look back, for fear of destroying the blurred and pure impression.
Inscription: All we see and feel are just dreams in dreams.
This is a modification of two sentences in Poe's poem "Dream in a Dream", only one word was changed, all changed to what. It is the voice of the voice-over girl, Miranda, and the film itself is full of suspense. I wonder if it is a tribute to another identity of the poet.
The girls' white shirts and corset stockings and the Victorian room atmosphere in Apple Orchard Girls’ College reminded people of "Finny and Alexander". The scenes of natural life in the mountains and in the woods reminded me of "Narayama Festival Kao" taken by Masahira Imamura in 1983, but because of the more pulsating sunlight and smog in the mountains that do not know where they start and where they end. It seems very subtle, soft and mysterious. Narayama Festival test also talks about mountains devouring people, but that is personal consciousness. The girls who got lost after the picnic were completely unconscious, at least in the eyes of others, they should be unconscious.
Miranda is like an angel described by Botticelli. At that time, the French female teacher was watching the birth of Venus, and she had this surprising discovery. Such a classical face is destined to do some unusual things. In Josephine Tiey's "Miss Ping's Idea", there is a female student Inns who also has a classical and melancholic face. Ms. Ping's physiognomy made her think that this is the face of a saint. And Miranda here is classical and gentle, an angel. The moment Miranda looked back before leaving, people felt that her eyes seemed to have penetrated everything, and her soft face and golden hair were full of divinity in the backlit lens, something that did not belong to the human world.
When the two teenagers discussed continuing to search for the missing girl in the mountains, the background was an English picnic by the pond in summer with an outdoor band playing. I stretched my other ear to listen to the music, and heard the second movement of Mozart's string serenade; Beethoven's fifth piano concerto in E flat major, the second movement, and Bach's Prelude No 1 in C Major's equal temperament keyboard music collection. . The girl’s music when she was in the mountains used two improvisations for the flute and organ by the Romanian composer Gheorghe Zamfir. The stable, graceful and classical of the former form a strong contrast with the fierce turbulence and emptiness of the latter. The latter also reminded me of Debussy's Faun in the afternoon, with the same temperament. Consistent with the metaphor of the images in the film, the pan flute is exactly Pan's instrument. This Greek god with goat horns and hoofs, libido, likes to seduce women everywhere. The prototype of the devil in Europe in the Middle Ages is to refer to his appearance. I think maybe the devil is a certain force that makes people lose their minds and obey their desires. As far as the music related to Faun is concerned, there is a sense of uneasiness that makes people lose control.
In the final analysis, it was a fruitless disappearance. The perplexity of the person who was looking for was left behind. I am not entangled with the result, but from time to time I think of the time of a girl who has passed away, and suddenly there is a moment that makes people feel restless.
With all of Poe’s poems:
A Dream Within A Dream
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep -while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
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