Can give a death sentence

Emmalee 2022-12-09 13:42:36

After watching this movie, I suddenly remembered the fragments that appeared in some previous movies about rural themes, and the life of the family was very difficult. So the old father often told his son that he should study hard. The hope of the whole family rested on him. The son really lived up to the expectations. Although three meals were discussed, he got up early and went to bed every day to do all kinds of farm work, and he had a gloomy childhood without memory. In the end, it still became the pillar of the family. At that time, I was feeling that the child from the poor family had been in the house early, and felt that this was a good child who was filial and self-improving.
When I grow up, I gradually can’t understand it. I don’t understand being a parent, knowing that my child will grow up in a difficult environment. When I can’t enjoy the same treatment as other children, it’s because of my own self. Selfish desires give birth to a small life in this world. Don't you want your children to grow up happily? Is it because the child has the high hopes of the whole family? No, because I can't do things in my life, because I can't change the plight of the family, or because I am too lonely? So irresponsibly chose the birth of a child.
This situation is not unfamiliar in today's society. The child was born in a chaotic environment. The father may be a gambling and alcoholic person; he may be a violent person who beats his wife and children; he may be a self-centered and arrogant person. And the mother may be a sad person who insists on saying "that's your father" to the child even after being beaten; maybe a woman who knows how to play mahjong regardless of whether her children live or die; maybe she knows how to use mental torture and often "exit dirty" People. In this reversed world, it is not uncommon for children to be abused to death by their parents, so I advise those who are about to become parents, if you can’t guarantee that your children will grow up in an environment that is at least happy and safe, then don’t give birth. Under him, people say that abortion is a sinful thing, and no one is qualified to take a small life. I said that instead of letting him grow up in this chaotic environment, because your irresponsibility made him suffer for a lifetime, it would be better to cut off this possibility from the beginning. The death penalty is better than an indefinite period of time. Or if the child knows that there are parents like you, he would rather die than come into this world.

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The Tall Man quotes

  • Julia Denning: The system is broken, it doesn't work. There's no where to turn, no support. I've seen it all over the world, it's just easier to give up. I'm not any better than you, Mrs. Johnson, I've just seen more. It's not a matter of being a good person or being a bad person, it's about how you cope. We're so limited. But the eyes of every child are filled with potential and hope, and we need to embrace and nourish that potential. But we don't, and we continue to make the same mistakes, and we continue to let the children grow up broken and lost, just like their parents.

  • Lieutenant Dodd: Hang in there, Tracy.

    Tracy: Yeah, I've been doing that for 35 years.