Right and wrong

Dell 2022-11-14 03:53:31

If the kidnapping of children in China is from the city to the country,
it is the
traffic from the country to the city in China. The majority of the money is traded. The abduction is undoubtedly sinful! There is no need to discuss this point.

In the film, a friend said that even if the money is not collected, at least it is abduction
. From a moral and emotional point of view, there is no doubt that it is also an evil
selling abduction ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

But from a rational point of view, it seems that the possibility of a kidnapped child living a happy life has greatly increased.
Recently there are statistics on the Internet:
"Parents belong to the lower class. It is difficult to raise their status. Fathers are from the upper class. No one changes from the lower class.
" Inheritance, the rich came from very few grassroots"
Under rational analysis, abduction is too perfect. A lot of data can prove it.

Let me explain. What logic is this.
Capitalist society, the only creed is that social Darwinism, the weak and the strong are the norm. , Everywhere; the good name is, the starting point is fair, you can't, it's because you don't work hard, Obama won't succeed, this is the American dream!

The entire capitalist society is highly polarized. The people at the bottom are living hard. How can they change themselves? Give birth to more children, if one succeeds (injured by the American dream), then he has everything. This is the logic that the poorer the more one will live (why it is not the case in China! The United States should be even worse, because there is no family planning).

The film wants to rely on personal efforts to quell this unfairness, and regardless of whether it can be promoted (save one is one), it cannot change the big environment at all. The mother will continue to give birth (there is no family planning). This is Collective consciousness such as the American Dream allows everyone to choose automatically. Everyone wants to make themselves better. This is also the purpose of having children. Let's

talk about human nature and selfishness . The result of abduction will only talk about mothers and children.
The mother has lost her beloved son, is in a trance, it is better to die, report the crime, increase the work of the police, increase social unrest, and will the mother retaliate against the society? What is the use of this to increase productivity? Add chaos
Besides, if the child was abducted before the age of 5, it would be better; the child would soon forget everything before. The little protagonist, who should have been abducted after 5 years old, has obvious psychological problems, and her ambivalence will accompany her throughout her life. Moreover, the girl's firm willpower and strong self-control will make her future problems more serious. A person who knows who her own mother is and can still endure it, I don't know where she will be better! Humanity is gone! After all, everything depends on me, no matter who cares about other people, even who is my mother!
If it is abducted before the age of 5, the mother is very likely to have another child, she is still young, in fact, no problem has been solved!
The former child may not have a good prospect, and the latter child will be even worse!

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the greatness of the heroine, although this greatness is built on so much pain. In fact, it is also easy to explain that if people have faith, they have everything, and they can give everything, even their lives, for faith. Just like we can’t understand the human flesh bomb, in fact, people regard death as home away from home, and we don’t need to worry about it at all.
But if I can meet the heroine, I will discuss with her whether it is worth it and whether there is a better way. Because you cannot deprive people of their right to reproduce, nor can you change the polarization of the entire society. In the end, your contribution to the entire society is basically zero.

There is also the affection between parents and children, which should be invaluable. There is a plot to show that the little heroine is unhappy at the rich mother's house, and it is enough to be obedient. How is this a normal family? In our family, parents quarrel and reconcile, father and son pinch and hug, mother and daughter stunned and go shopping, this is a family. Family affection is always the most important.

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The Tall Man quotes

  • Julia Denning: The system is broken, it doesn't work. There's no where to turn, no support. I've seen it all over the world, it's just easier to give up. I'm not any better than you, Mrs. Johnson, I've just seen more. It's not a matter of being a good person or being a bad person, it's about how you cope. We're so limited. But the eyes of every child are filled with potential and hope, and we need to embrace and nourish that potential. But we don't, and we continue to make the same mistakes, and we continue to let the children grow up broken and lost, just like their parents.

  • Lieutenant Dodd: Hang in there, Tracy.

    Tracy: Yeah, I've been doing that for 35 years.