Absurd assumption

Alessandro 2022-05-30 18:49:45

This film assumes that there are more rich people than poor people in this world, and there is a group of insanity who risk their lives to save the children of the poor for free. Unfortunately, the reality is that more than 90% of the people are poor, so how can we save the rich? So many poor people? And the poor don’t have to have children anymore. I’m afraid the world will take over soon, and the group of mentally disordered people will never exist. Therefore, the solution to the social problem is how to reduce poverty and change the economic operation mode. , Rather than such absurd and naive assumptions!

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The Tall Man quotes

  • Julia Denning: The system is broken, it doesn't work. There's no where to turn, no support. I've seen it all over the world, it's just easier to give up. I'm not any better than you, Mrs. Johnson, I've just seen more. It's not a matter of being a good person or being a bad person, it's about how you cope. We're so limited. But the eyes of every child are filled with potential and hope, and we need to embrace and nourish that potential. But we don't, and we continue to make the same mistakes, and we continue to let the children grow up broken and lost, just like their parents.

  • Lieutenant Dodd: Hang in there, Tracy.

    Tracy: Yeah, I've been doing that for 35 years.