Formation and breaking of order

Jane 2022-01-07 15:54:53

This is a story about a boy fighting violence in school. This is a story about fighting violence with patience. This is a story about a new order challenging the old one.

The campus is undoubtedly the epitome of the abbreviated version of the entire society. He has his own rules of operation and his own hierarchical system. In particular, his group is naturally a simple relationship between teachers and students, high grades and low grades, and it is easier to reveal some of the characteristics of human society.

We know that humans evolved from apes. Our ancestors have gone through a fork in the road in countless generations of competition, and we are fortunate enough to be here today to speak up and talk with emotion. However, the sociality in us has rarely evolved substantially from apes to modern times.

The ape society is very closed. Once a group is established, it is difficult to accept new members. If you put a group of monkeys in a cage, after a period of time, add a newcomer. Then this group of monkeys will collectively intimidate, beat it, snatch its food, and harass it. After a while, it will slowly be accepted.

But what is more interesting is that when a new monkey is added to this group, all the monkeys’ bullying objects will turn, and the most vicious ones involved in the bullying behavior are the monkeys who came a few days earlier than the new monkeys.

This phenomenon is not new in human society. In some well-known colleges and universities, such as fraternities, clubs, etc., new entrants must also accept some bullying behaviors, such as undressing, drinking disgusting beverages, and being physically punished before they can join the club. And Harvard’s "bones" (some politicians such as George W. Bush are among the members) are rumored to hold some mysterious ceremonies, such as having to go to the cemetery alone to dig out a bone of a deceased famous alumnus and drink it into powder. , Can join the meeting and so on.

Regardless of the weird and violent methods, these behaviors seem to point to a signal—unconditional obedience. how so? Because this is the most straightforward and simple way to maintain class.

As the leader of an organization, what you fear most threatens your status. What are the effective ways to maintain status? Relying on ability alone is not enough, because leaders will get old and weaker. And there are always rising stars who are more qualified to lead than themselves. Therefore, a smarter way is to establish a mechanism to allow newcomers to obey the latecomers. As the seniors, they can naturally have the privileges and protect the benefits gained; and the latecomers will suffer a temporary loss of dignity and benefits. Loss, but because latecomers join, according to the "class law" they accept, they can also increase their privileges step by step, and they may even become leaders in the end. Therefore, they are gradually willing to accept this sort of order, and as the order changes from generation to generation, the establishment of "rules" through violence has become more and more stubborn.

As soon as Eric entered the boarding school, the student union would tell him, "The first grade live in the worst dormitory, and every first grade, you can live better, and finally you will live in the best apartment called Olympia." Think about the name, "Olympia"-the walk of the gods, which shows how high a position those 6th grade students put themselves.

Compared with the simple violence of monkeys, the violence of humans is more subtle and cruel. Because its punishment mechanism seems "justified." In Eric’s school, the rules are as follows:
1 If the senior thinks you are wrong, you must accept him to beat you with utensils to show punishment;
2 If you refuse the punishment of the senior, you will be asked to stay in school on weekends and not go home. ;
3 If you refuse to stay in school, you will be judged by the Student Union, and your punishment
will be aggravated by labor, stay in school, and confinement; You have to face two and beat you one;
5 If you evade the "punishment in the boxing ring", you will be dubbed the insulting title of "rat" and the whole school will execute it together.

In this simple punishment mechanism—compared to the punishment mechanism in the real society, there are many tricks to maintain class.

1 First of all, whether you are "wrong" or not is determined by the senior, and raising an objection will only aggravate your punishment.
2 The "cutlery punishment" you begin to accept is painfully within the scope of people's acceptance, so people will have a mentality of "bearing it for a while". However, people do not realize that this is the beginning of your acceptance of the punishment mechanism. No matter if you take a step back or 100 steps, you have given up your judgment and independent personality.
3 The so-called "trial" seems reasonable. However, you are actually facing the accusations of a group of people alone. A group of high-ranking people give you tremendous mental pressure, so that you can't argue, and they also put a layer of "law" on such behavior in a high-sounding manner.
4 You can choose to "disobey", but you must face strong violence alone. Once you "actively choose" a violent solution under pressure, then he will beat you decently with his strongest violence, in order to follow suit.

In the final analysis, they will not attack you in a naked way, but have an advantage everywhere, allowing you to be played with their rules step by step, until you lose courage, lose self-esteem, and lose the ability to think.

In the face of such a cold class system, what Eric most admires is not his ability to control violence with violence. It was the restraint and patience he showed under the premise of having this ability. Because there is a goal in his heart: to graduate successfully. Because he knows that in this society, he must first obtain a minimum ticket, and that is also the wish of his mother. So no matter what kind of humiliation and bullying he faced, even though he was "uncooperative" everywhere, and clearly stated his position with actions, he never used violence to fight back against violence. Only when his best friend was forced away did he use violence to make the perpetrator bow his head "under the premise of the rules."

I especially appreciate his performance in the "Boxing Ring". "Where do you want to hit the most? Which hand do you use? (self-blasphemy)" "Okay, just hit your nose and interrupt your right hand." First promise the consequences, and then fulfill your promise with lightning speed. After finishing the two doglegs, one finger pointed to the nose of the president of the student union, suggesting: Next, you.

And this ability of fearlessness and violence also frightened the presumptuous student president to kneel and vomit in the bridge section behind. Eric didn't bother to use violence against someone whose dignity had been wiped out. The outcome has been divided, and the decision is made.

The president of the student council is a cruel person, but to a certain extent he is also a pathetic person. After discovering Eric's tenacity, he couldn't help but say something when he turned to deal with his friends: "In fact, all of this is unnecessary. Why are you, everyone is like this, why do you have to be special? What about standing alone?” It can be seen that he has also gone through the process from the abused to the abuser. He just felt that he was enjoying the privilege of patience as a matter of course. He didn't understand, why didn't Eric accept this customary rule?

On this level, the president of the student council represented the state of Swedish society at that time—a highly hierarchical society, a society with remnants of Nazi racialism, a society with nobles and civilians, and a society with patriarchal violence.

In the end, Eric was calculated in a despicable way and ordered to drop out of school. At this time, Eric did not completely release the violence he had been suppressing, as I thought, but turned to a higher rule-law. Use legal means to protect yourself, and finally allow yourself to graduate successfully. And Eric's ambition is to be a lawyer.

So Eric represents a new order that transcends hierarchy—the order of law. His struggle with the entire student union is the epitome of the legality of the new high-end civilization and the class struggle with the old human animals.

Children, when you are being bullied, please clench your fists and keep your mind. Because one day, you will become very powerful and let those ugly faces fall under your feet. These words have nothing to do with age.

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Evil quotes

  • Headmaster: There is only one word for people like you, and that is "evil"

  • Erik Ponti: [to a rival, seated next to him] Strange. Can anyone smell shit? Shit, I smell shit.

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