Sin in heart

Sophie 2022-01-07 15:54:53

There have been few good movies recently. I heard that meat futons have become the focus recently. It's really helpless for the Chinese to be so prosperous. Damn, do you see few AVs in Japan? Isn't it just that, what kind of color can the meat futon make? I really don't believe me. I had time to watch a Swedish film today. It was very good. In fact, it was quite depressing when I watched it. After watching it, I was also very depressed. It is necessary to write down some feelings, the original. If I don’t write, my expressive skills are getting worse and worse.

The film I watched today is called "Evil Deeds", and I downloaded this film to listen to Swedish. A story about the worries of adolescents, Confucius once said, the blood is strong, and you are not fighting. I have a deep understanding. I was a young boy, fierce and combative. When I think back to my junior high school days, I can’t help but sigh. I fight with people almost every day. Some bullied others and others were bullied. When I was in junior high school, my grades were still good, but My conduct will always be middle, and then I gave up studying and failed the high school entrance examination. The story I read today is also such a teenager. Extremely fierce, but the grades are not bad, many schools do not accept, the last time he was expelled, the principal said to him: I really don't know what you are pretending to be, if there is, it must be a crime. Later his mother sold his family wealth and sent him to an aristocratic school. Before sending him away, I told him that this was his last chance. If he was expelled again, he would not go to school. Hey, I remembered that after the high school entrance examination, my father asked me seriously, do you want to go to the high school entrance examination? I thought about it, so my parents spent a lot of money and solved the work of a relative of a school leader before sending me to their alma mater where they once attended, ranking fifth from the bottom in grades for the whole year. In fact, even so, I didn’t really appreciate the good intentions of my parents at that time. Perhaps, this is the pain of being a parent. It is hard to get rewarded if you give it completely. This is also a process for a child to mature, although it is a long time. , But there will still be.

ERIK is such a young boy. After entering the noble school, his grades are all A, but his behavior is still very bad. It is not because he has fought with others, on the contrary, he has encountered a group of evil forces' constant entanglement and abuse. That group of people, aloof and decent, controlled the students with their own so-called legal system and got the acquiescence of the school. This is a terrible thing. The evil deeds of the wicked are actually not terrible. People who are a little bit brave can fight against it. However, if there is a so-called noble behind the wicked, it is like looking at the wicked ones. For nonsense, the police told those who were bullied not to use violence to resist, but to learn to use their minds and wisdom. This is often the case in our society. The law has become the bible to protect the wicked. Most people who are bullied can only endure it silently, and even learn to have fun with nothing. This is what we call the golden mean. The so-called mind, the so-called wisdom! How ridiculous, but sad.

ERIK knows what he wants to do when he comes to this school. He just wants to study hard. This is his only chance. In the face of those wicked people, he can only endure. He was beaten, burnt with cigarette butts, splashed with dung, friends were beaten out of school, and even a working girl who liked him was expelled for no reason... It's not that he cannot be beaten, he beats up people very quickly and brutally. When his friends around him were constantly being abused because of himself, he took action, interrupted a kid’s nose, and discounted another person’s hand. To be honest, I was very excited to see this because the sin was gained. Due punishment. ERIK was also quickly expelled from the "Justice Force". He was helpless. In the end, he turned to the law. He succeeded and graduated. However, the law was not a legitimate method, but a blackmail method. Seeing this, I feel very sad, especially sad. Because, after the blackmail was successful, the wicked remained the same, and the umbrella remained the same, and ERIK just got a compromise of not being expelled.

In the film, there are two appearances of dignity, one is ERIK's swimming coach and the other is a botany teacher. The swimming coach said, go get first, you can be respected, ERIK got it, but there is no change, the promise of dignity has become a worthless joke; the botany teacher found that the student with the best academic performance voluntarily dropped out, Roaring, he said, most of you are cowards. The difference between humans and animals is dignity, but you dare not resist and don't have any dignity. ERIK said, teacher, do you understand the situation? Don't the teacher know that the principal who protects the wicked is the principal who pays him. Haha, how powerful is dignity in the face of reality? If so, there won't be so many wronged souls under the butcher knife. Dignity is not a charity of others, and can only be obtained by oneself. It is a pity that the few people in history who never bow their heads for dignity have their heads cut off and even become the laughingstock of most people who don't know the truth.

ERIK has been suppressing the devil in his heart, making me feel very aggrieved. If he is really a devil, then he should have killed those wicked people long ago. Let those wicked people use their own blood to wash their stains. In my opinion, he Is very kind. He is actually the incarnation of most of us in this society. We are all living for others, in order to let our relatives feel that we are happy, excellent, and trustworthy and dependable. In fact, ask ourselves, what are we bearing? Too much, those bitterness and humiliation. This is society. You have to learn how to survive.

The great Temujin Khan once said that the greatest joy in life is to chase enemies, snatch their belongings and women, and let their relatives wash their faces with tears. Isn’t that the case? Whenever I think of this sentence, there is a desire to undertake a historical mission. Although it is only a kind of obscenity that makes people laugh, I take it seriously.

Let all the sins imposed on me suffer seventy-seven times the punishment. I would never think that because of tolerance, I will become mature or great. It is just the boring masturbation of the weak. Live humble or die proudly? Since the blood of barbarians is flowing on my body, my answer must be the latter!


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Extended Reading

Evil quotes

  • Headmaster: There is only one word for people like you, and that is "evil"

  • Erik Ponti: [to a rival, seated next to him] Strange. Can anyone smell shit? Shit, I smell shit.

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