My whole heart is breaking

Michelle 2022-01-10 08:01:39

This is not a romantic story, it is more about a relationship between father and daughter. The story of "Magician" starts with the script, which was written by the French comedy master Jacques Tati in the 1950s. Tati is estranged from his eldest daughter. He wrote a letter to her daughter. The content of this letter is nothing else but a lonely and wandering magician. Through the scene of the train at the end of "Magician" and the photo of the daughter that appeared at the end, it is not difficult to see that the film is an effort to communicate between father and daughter. This is not a great principle, but a subtle emotion that needs to be understood.

When consulting Tati's descendants about the adaptation of "The Magician", Tati's youngest daughter said that she did not want any actors to play the father. Therefore, the best way to put Tati's image on the screen is only cartoons. Tati is good at self-writing, directing and acting mime mime, and Qiao Mai's cartoons almost don't need lines, they are simply made in heaven. Coincidentally, to watch this unique "Magician", we don't need Chinese or any language subtitles.

Recalling the "Wali" meeting, the first half was exclaimed as a masterpiece, the reason was that there was no dialogue, and the audience could feel it with their heart. When there is more talk, the film will have more Hollywood fireworks, not a taste. "Magician" is even more so, it starts and ends well, like a silent film, almost no narration is needed, and many dialogues are expressed entirely with the help of body and expression. In addition, the scenery of Scotland and the city of Edinburgh, appearing on the screen is simply amazing.

"Magician" can be viewed from several different perspectives. One is as an artistic film. In the middle of the last century, the film encountered a difficult situation and was hit by new media such as television. It is indeed easy to think of the magician in the film, performing hard and no one appreciates it. You should know that movies were the first moving images of magic juggling nature, and editing and other techniques used their magic to the fullest. Similar confusion has even continued to the present. Many movies (especially art movies) have very few viewers and cannot please most people in the world. You can't tell what they are talking about. What is the point of making such movies and performing such magic? Isn't it all kinds of tricks that deceive people and deceive the public? What is the meaning of movies and magic?

Next is Jacques Tati, the story of the cartoon is what he said and listened to his daughter. Adapted and presented by Sylvia Chowmai, not to mention the image of the magician itself, the film has become a tribute that does not need to be shy away. In "Magician", you can see the hotel night in "Playing Time". A tall, thin, old man in a suit and shoes is used as a receptionist who opens the door. In order to avoid the little girl, the magician broke into the cinema, pushed the hanger to cut the tickets, and ran into "My Uncle" on the screen.

Then there is the father-daughter relationship and the fatherly love that everyone can understand. This is the emotional core of "The Magician". At the end of the movie, there was an unforgettable emotional loss. The clowns and ventriloquists who confronted the magician were not only disappointed, but the ending was so helpless. Especially the doll incarnation of the Ventriloquist was thrown in the window, even if it was free, no one wanted it. The magician didn't have such a bleak end, but he still left the little girl, stopped performing magic tricks, and walked on the road of wandering.

The magician in the film only has a loyal audience. The little girl doesn't understand anything. She believes in magic. The magician can only perform the old-fashioned bunny, he seems to be changing this all his life. He was not successful, but his most successful magic is to let the girl grow up smoothly and have her own life. Later, the girl fell in love with the things in the mall, but she had no money, and the guys around her couldn't make magic tricks. At this time, she slowly understood that there is no omnipotent magic in the world, and there is no omnipotent magician.

My girlfriend once told me about an incident. When I was a child, my father took her to the provincial capital to eat in a big restaurant. She didn't see the order or the payment, she saw one plate after another being served, and a large table was full, and she couldn't finish eating. At that time, she felt like she was doing magic, and then when she came home, everyone said that the provincial capital was really good. At that time, the father was the magician in the daughter's heart.

From childhood to adulthood, a father can give his daughter many things, from praise and praise to nice shoes and new clothes, he is as great as a magician. But a magician does not exist, and he is even less likely to accompany you for a lifetime, transforming a wishful man, a perfect life. For the picky and insatiable children, as they grow up day by day, he will find that his father's skills are degraded and his performance is very poor, as if he is only catching rabbits in a performance hat all his life. Compared with failed magicians, one day in the future, they will find something more cruel, that is, magicians have to leave first. At that time, they just missed the time with the magician.

Edinburgh in the rain, passersby coming and going, drunks lying on the ground rolling, no one cares about the big and small magic in life. The lights dimmed and the magician's performance was over. When the magician and the girl were gone, the room was empty. The wind blows outside the window, and the shadows on the wall continue to change. At that moment, even if it is the shadow, it will be full of emotions, and the whole heart will be broken when you see it. At that moment, did you really see it? 【Beijing Youth Daily】

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