
Dan 2022-10-06 11:15:15

Maria, a 17-year-old girl, smuggled drugs for life, for the sake of her children, pellets of heroin were wrapped in a rubber sleeve, just like a coffee dessert for a lady in the summer afternoon. Arrived in New York, she wandered all alone on the streets of New York, silently she did not understand English, like a shell on the bottom of the sea, the deepest part of the sea, but no longer the blue clarity, only endless darkness. Holding the dollars in exchange for life in his hands, listening to the heartbeat of the child in his womb. So in that moment, Maria resolutely left the airport and turned around, for the sake of the child, I also want to continue.

This is the youth in the movie "Halloween Mary", like a flourishing bud in the dawn, which will grow up at the moment of the arrival of white fish. At the same age of 17, a delicate age that had to take the next step while fearing, a dream that was awakened while trying to continue. It was like standing on the edge of a collapsed cliff, moving forward with no choice, but the solid ground behind him fell apart in an instant. Or choose to be still, with only the vast abyss behind as a fantasy of fear invading you; or choose to go down, and the abyss will always stay under your last step.

The linear passage of time determines the same destination of things by different paths. For us, it seems to be a hidden tragedy: all the good will sink slowly along the axis of time. This is the natural life and the metabolism of things. We are powerless. Like a hydrogen balloon obsessed with the earth, but limited by the attributes of the self, the dream becomes an illusion at the moment it is conceived. But the beauty of nature lies in this. The opposite of this thing is still moving along the coordinate of time according to the rules. Your sinking is an unforgettable pain for me, and my sinking is meant for you. , Perhaps the first strand of golden sunlight in the morning. All the goodness may drift away in the wind tonight when we fall asleep, and at the moment when we open our eyes tomorrow, no one can expect that the pain of the past is gone. It turns out that time takes away not only the painful beauty, but also the beautiful pain. Or, the world itself is like a glass of pure white water, colorless and tasteless. Is it because everything is mixed together, or because everything is no longer mixed? When pain and beauty are mixed together, what we are looking for exists, that is, nothing has ever existed at all. In this way, the universe we live in, this world, has not actually defined any happiness, anger, or sadness. No one can fully understand happiness, and no one can feel pain at all. Pleasure and pain are just physical stress responses, and what is pleasure? What is pain? But it is the practical meaning given by social civilization. In a pure world like a child, maybe everything no longer exists. There is no sadness, no joy, only a perception subordinate to consciousness, let us touch the world. In this way, everything we suffer from, gains and losses, in the clear nature of this baby’s eyes, there is no meaning but absurd, standing there, let stupid us climb, try our best to climb one A stand that doesn't even know why it stands. Happiness and pain are nothing but artifacts that belong to real civilization, but we pursue or get rid of them throughout our lives. We don’t know that their origin is just a mixed consciousness, but we let them stagnate in our minds and let him wantonly. Controls us, but forgets that he is their master.

Too many of us are lost in the perceptions we control, indulged in happiness or longing to be drunk in pain. Youth is such an unscrupulous period of time. She makes us face the pain and happiness in our consciousness for the first time. So we are confused and at a loss, as if we are looking for a mirage in the vast desert. What you see, you can't help yourself out in the virtual visual imaginary, what you don't see, together with pain and helplessness, will die alone. How sad this is. In fact, the meaning of life may not lie in the moment when we stop pursuing it, or the pain and happiness hidden in our consciousness for our entire life. Perhaps it is just to let him go on and go on. As Sartre said: Man is first of all a creature who pushes himself towards a future and knows that he is doing exactly that. Everyone has this youth, perplexed like a yellow warbler in a cage, looking at the beauty of the sky but still depressed by the shackles that he can't get rid of, but never remember that youth and even ourselves are just a yellow warbler, what we have What can be done is to sing in the cage, nothing more.

Life doesn't care about pain and happiness, just like life itself doesn't care about poor, low, high, rich. Every individual life is sacred, and youth is just a small segment of life. A short piece of life experience connected to consciousness. Pain and happiness are only the information that consciousness transmits to you under the processing of reality. It will never be life itself. It has no eternal concept. The fleeting attributes determine that they are nothing but information. Youth and even the condiments of life make life colorful in this boring living environment. The additional meaning of life is more splendid and exciting than this, but the premise is to continue and go on. This is our primary task as a living organism and the primary meaning of life.

And youth, there is no difference between pain and happiness, she just looks back before continuing, letting the past flash in her eyes. Then what is waiting for us is to choose to turn around again and let the pace of life continue, as if she never stopped.

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Maria Full of Grace quotes

  • María Álvarez: I think I'm pregnant

    Juan: You want to get married?

    María Álvarez: Do you love me?

    Juan: [annoyed] Don't start on that.

    María Álvarez: [mad] You're going to marry someone you don't love?

  • María Álvarez: How many times have you done this?

    Lucy Díaz: Two.

    María Álvarez: How did it go?

    Lucy Díaz: Here I am.