
Hilton 2022-09-06 14:45:29

This is indeed a heartbreaking movie. I don't know where the translation of "Wanfu" comes from. Its English name is "Maria Full of Grace". After reading it, I think this is a story about women, a story about women and endurance. Tired of working in the flower factory, Maria is destined to go on such a road of endurance. Perhaps Maria and Juan have never loved each other. Maria risked her life from Colombia with her child and filled her stomach with heroin. Perhaps it was just to save enough money. At the end of the movie, he resolutely turned back, only because he remembered what Lucy's sister had said and decided to stay in the United States and give the child a good future. As I watched it, I asked myself whether all these stories are because women are animals that learn to endure.

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Extended Reading

Maria Full of Grace quotes

  • María Álvarez: I think I'm pregnant

    Juan: You want to get married?

    María Álvarez: Do you love me?

    Juan: [annoyed] Don't start on that.

    María Álvarez: [mad] You're going to marry someone you don't love?

  • María Álvarez: How many times have you done this?

    Lucy Díaz: Two.

    María Álvarez: How did it go?

    Lucy Díaz: Here I am.