Boys from nowhere: why John Lennon became the John Lennon of the Beatles

Damon 2022-01-09 08:02:20

Nowhere boy, the English name is nowhere boy. I didn’t read English at the beginning and will deal with it as a virgin, sweat!

The movie is very simple and talks about John Lennon’s life before he became an adult. Don’t tell me that you don’t know John Lennon (I think this is basic common sense).

The reason why he became the lead singer of the Beatles, or the Beatles, has become an unforgettable person in the hearts of countless people.

In fact, when you look at his growth experience, you will find that there is everything to follow. So this movie focuses on his

growing up experience, how to fall in love with rock and roll. It turned out to be influenced by his mother Julia, how to form a band and meet Paul McKentney. After experiencing the pain of growing up, he eventually grew into a man obsessed with it. Pursue your dreams.

Anyway, I think this movie is okay, and my soul has been shocked and moved, and it's worth it.

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Nowhere Boy quotes

  • John: Why do you know so much?I mean you don't seem like the rock and roll kind of guy

    Paul McCartney: What you mean because I don't go around smashing things up and


    Paul McCartney: acting like a dick?

    John: Yea

    Paul McCartney: No.It's the music.That's it,just music.Simple

  • Paul McCartney: [Paul strums Banjo softy]

    John: What is this?Fucking group practice?I don't think so.

    Pete: John it's your mum's!

    John: She's fucking dead!

    [headbutts pete and storms out]