No one to save

Easton 2022-01-09 08:02:05

Many times, when you see all kinds of tragedies on the social news, it is inevitable that the perpetrators are inferior to animals and should be broken into pieces. In most legal systems in the world, there is usually a set of appropriate punishments and discipline-oriented strategies for juvenile crimes. In many cases, the things done by children are often outrageous, so that I often see similar There are messages in the news such as "Let's slaughter such a little bastard", "Minors should be sentenced to adults now" and the like, and a child's crimes may often stick to him for a long time. This kind of problem appeared in the movie "Song of Barbarians" ("Boy A"). A child made mistakes in his childhood. After several years in prison, he wanted to start all over again and live a good life, only to discover the society. The rules of the game are so cruel.

"The Song of Man Tong" is a very good film that interweaves stories, expressions, emotions, reflections, etc. It created a suspense from the very beginning that attracted me. The young man in his twenties was released on parole and was counseling With the help of member Terry, he changed his identity to Jack and restarted his life in the small town. In the back of the film, he and his childhood memories have been intertwined with reality, mixed with various worries and sentimental flavors, which makes people always wonder what Jack has done. Jack was hesitant and shy from the beginning until he slowly found a foothold in life. He had iron buddies. He was praised by people around him for saving a little girl at a time. He had love and his work went smoothly. , And Terry's care of him like a father made him more and more confident. We saw a sunny boy who has both ability and political integrity, friendly and easy-going. However, the scenes of autism, loneliness, and fighting in his childhood that flashed back at the same time made the whole film appear restless and restless, making people feel that something would happen. It happened, and as a result, his childhood nightmare finally appeared. He once killed a girl during his childhood in school carrying a schoolbag with a partner. Now that partner has long been overwhelmed and committed suicide. Jack chose to continue his life, but found that the nightmare continued. So far, his true identity has finally been exposed. Friends left, his girlfriend left and lost his job. Because of his childhood faults, he was rendered like a devil by the media today. Finally, he faced the sea. The film did not give the ending. We It is already imaginable.

Restarting is the hope of everyone who has made a mistake. However, in some cases this is often an extravagant hope. For a crime, the media tends to report the bloodiest and most inhumane process and results, and the cause and the story behind it are often Unwilling to track, this requires a cost, and secondly, it is very important that this is not the focus of public attention, so that it generates too little benefit. We are too easy to be stirred up by sensational stories, and even see a headline such as "8-year-old boy hacked female classmate for 24 dollars". We may not read the main text, go straight to the message, and express this "beast". Anger. As for the judicial system, we are often more willing to believe in its disciplinary effects than in its reformation effects, so severe punishment is often a natural response to those who have committed serious mistakes. What Jack and his childhood partner Philip did was cruel, and the impact on the local area was far-reaching. It can be seen in the film that many years later, when the media heard that the child was released on parole, they immediately began to guess where he was. ? And Jack also lived his life in fear and sincerity. Through childhood stories, the film gradually reveals to us some of the reasons for the tragedy of the year. Jack’s mother was irritable because of a terminal illness, and his father lacked care for him. He was inferior and lonely, until he met Philip, who was bothering him. And Philip, who seems to be irritable, has the same low self-esteem and loneliness as Jack, but he shows it with a kind of external aggression. When a girl insulted him in every way and called him "scum", he It broke out, and even stabbed the girl several times, and couldn't help it to continue, so that Jack was also involved. Juvenile delinquency is a social tragedy. Jack lived in depression during his childhood. He faced bullying every day until Philip appeared. In this tragedy, he was more like an accomplice, and Philip, who appeared more irritable, was an afterthought. Under greater pressure, he chose to commit suicide. From the perspective of Jack's life background, we can also imagine that Philip's family and childhood life should be even more unbearable.

The reincarnation of the tragedy is the most sad. Family problems are often the root cause of juvenile delinquency. But Terry, who cared for Jack with a paternal concern, happened to have family problems, and it was precisely what finally revealed Jack’s true identity. His own son. This is an embarrassing scene, just like a psychologist who has a mental illness. Terry can communicate with Jack and let him face life directly, but he has a communication barrier with his son, so that his son would rather retaliate by destroying Jack. Such embarrassment also seems to tell the audience that the various communication barriers in the family continue to be no different from a dozen years ago, and in the process, the injured teenagers are still being produced, and the seeds of tragedy are still lurking among them.

The sudden turn of the situation after Jack's identity was revealed makes people feel sudden and sorrowful. Once, he and his companions killed a girl. When he changed his mind, he saved the life of a girl. However, people were unwilling to forgive him. The friendship that was once torn apart, the praise that was once destroyed, the love that was once drifted away without a shadow, he lost everything in an instant, only at the beach, and finally felt his girlfriend's love in the hallucinations, so that I thought it would be the one he finally An inspirational story that is forgiven, but when he stood on a high place and faced the sea, my illusions were shattered. The social rules he faced would not be tolerant of his past. We would rather believe that "the country is easy to change, "Nature is hard to move" instead of "the prodigal son will not change his head", we prefer to believe that he is a time bomb, even if he once saved a girl. This is a vicious circle. What is more common than Jack’s tragedy is that a person may commit a petty crime and go to prison. After being released from prison, he may still be vigilant and excluded, and then psychologically imbalance, may commit a greater crime, and this is counterproductive. It also makes the public feel that people who have committed crimes will not get better, and then they will be vigilant and squeezed out of prisoners around them, which is difficult to break. It will also test the wisdom of relevant social workers. And courage.

When Jack was desperate, it was the letter from the little girl he saved that gave others the last warmth, "Thank you for saving me, this is your halo, this is your knife, this is your wings, I I think you are an angel!" The child is more pure and can feel the truth, kindness and beauty from the heart, but this meager and simple care seems too small and too small compared with the pressure of society. Perhaps when watching this film, the audience will feel sad, sympathetic to Jack, and like me, hope that a miracle will happen in the end, and he will be forgiven. However, in reality, what happens to a person who has made a big mistake before, is it suspicion or trust? Is it a vigilance or a hug? This is always a difficult question to answer in advance.

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Boy A quotes

  • Michelle: [showing her breasts posing for Jack's photograph] What?

    Jack Burridge: [laughing] You're fucking nuts. Carry on. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

  • Michelle: [about Jack's local hero news in the paper] Hey hero! Look what I've got!

    Jack Burridge: [embarrassed] Horrible, horrible.