Ginny and Georgia

Edwina 2022-12-14 02:57:45

Ginny and Georgia, after this American drama is chased in one day, let’s summarize the experience.


Ginny's mental journey was ups and downs, with twists and turns. I think her character lines are divided into four types. Teacher-student line, emotional line, friendship line, family line.

1. Teacher-student line

From the very beginning, the teacher-student line came in, and the racist prejudice carried by this history teacher was obvious to all, and other white students were indifferent. Until the end, Ginny used a threat to counter the history teacher. It means tooth for tooth. If you don't treat me with respect or contempt, then I don't blame me for using three kinds of abuse. This is also the principle of life followed by mother Georgia. If there is grudges, you will be avenged. The bee stings you and stings back. (The screenwriter here wants to insinuate racism in the United States)

Second, the emotional line

Let me talk about Max first. Ginny, who had a girlish heart, fell in love with Max at first sight soon after she came to school, and even gave her her virgin night to Max. But the next day, Marx continued to take office like a okay person. This scumbag and extremely irresponsible image was buried in Ginny’s heart. Ginny also chose to fight back. This vaguely aroused Marx’s desire to understand her. I I think Max understands Ginny better. There are two conversations that can be reflected, once in the prom bathroom, and once when Ginny talks about her sudden appearance of aunt, Max is disdainful of the town’s success in advocacy and elitism. And the death of the friend who most cares about affects Max's heart. I think his and Ginny's experiences are similar to some extent. So the inner world of two people resonates.

Let’s talk about Hunter. Hunter’s identity is also very complicated. He is half of Taiwanese Asian descent. From the dispute between him and Ginny about the place for the composition contest, it can be seen that he is also confused about his identity but will not. Stand up and speak up. He belongs to the exquisite egoist who pave the way for the future university. He is a good student in the eyes of the teacher. Ginny will stand up and speak out for racist injustice. I think this is also one of his attracted by Ginny. Very important reason. He gave Ginny what all girls yearn for, singing for her alone in front of many people, and carefully arranging tap dances on her birthday. He has the characteristics of being able to fascinate many girls. In Hunter’s comparison, Marx looks much less remarkable, like a fringe character, but Max can understand Ginny’s inner world, so in the end, Ginny will also wonder if both people like it. What should I do? manage? If it were me, it would be difficult for me to choose. One is a shining family background with good grades and a good school grass, the other is a knight who understands you, if you are, which one would you choose.

3. Friendship Line

The friendship line is very simple, that is, sincere and pure, bottomless, standing on the side of the sisters. So there are two extremes, one is good for heart and lungs, and the other is that betrayal is not tolerated. For a Ginny who has never had a friend, friendship is undoubtedly the most precious thing. When misunderstood, Ginny is the first time Take the flowers to find her best friend Mai. Thinking of my youth, a little turbulence in friendship is vital to an adolescent girl. Although many people are now scattered in every corner, it is good enough to recall.

Fourth, the line of affection

The family relationship line belongs to her and her parents. The long time of insecurity has caused a sense of insecurity. Ginny’s biological father once again verified that a man’s mouth is a deceitful ghost, and a man’s promise is only for a woman. Like poison, I would rather believe it if you know you are at risk of being poisoned. I can also understand the relationship between Ginny and her mother, love and kill each other. I believe that most mothers and daughters should be in this kind of relationship. The shots are very real. While complaining about her mother, she sincerely hopes that her mother will be happy. Ginny desperately wants to understand Georgia’s past, but Georgia deliberately conceals it, like What Georgia said, after knowing the truth, she could never look back. It was proved later that there is really no benefit to knowing it. The biggest wish of being a mother in the world is nothing more than to hope that her children are happy, to give her the best living environment and a high starting point.


I like this character very much. She was born in misery but was not in a quagmire. She can rely on her own hard work and wisdom to overcome the better. A self-improving woman. It's kind of inspirational. Here I want to analyze Georgia from the perspective of the workplace, and draw the following workplace experience.

1. Have a good relationship with colleagues and will not betray you at critical moments. Embezzlement of public funds Joe secretly warned Georgia.

2. Facing the task of the leader, always smile and say that it will be completed, please rest assured.

3. Always know who your leader is. The only thing you have to do is to solve problems for the leader and let him see your performance. Ginny won the favor with her own wisdom and won the opportunity. One time was a gambling money-raising meeting (this crowdfunding method is a tradition left by the old United States before the founding of the country. If you are interested, you can read the book Franklin Biography) One time was to use an action-based strategy to help the mayor win the election again.

4. Candid and direct expression of needs is a powerful weapon. Expressing needs is when meeting Paul for the first time and asking for a job directly. Although it will not be successful the first time, it is very important that your needs have been successfully communicated, and the leader will pay attention to it.

There are two manifestations of frankness. One was before Georgia and Paul had established a relationship. Georgia confessed that she was a woman who had many unbearable pasts, had never gone to college, or traveled to Thailand. This requires courage. Most people only show their best side. Being courageous to confess seems to be detrimental to oneself, but in fact it is the most powerful weapon. It is better to make it clear in advance than others who seize your weakness and be afraid of fear. I remember Yang Mi said The greatest frankness is actually invincible. The other time, before the proposal, Georgia confessed that she had slept with her ex-husband. Use confession to gain the trust of the mayor. This is a smart approach.

5. Have the courage to throw away the past and not complain about yourself in the past. It’s done, and I can’t change the past. This is a great thing Georgia has done. When a person is betrayed by his sister and abandoned by her ex-husband over and over again, you said that as a single mother with two children, this Looking forward at the time is no alternative, and the only choice. Only by breaking the boat and looking forward can there be a bright future.

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