Greek drama

Wilfrid 2022-01-07 15:54:25

June 24

Read "Prometheus" by Aeschylus

The Greek drama is composed of the main drama + chorus, the chorus is composed of the singing team, the singing team does not participate in the performance of the main drama plot

This movie also has this similar structure

After I read "The King of Opdis", I can make more understanding in combination with this drama

This play also uses the corresponding plot of "Opdis King"

That is, the protagonist is worried that the child he adopted will have a father-killing plot, thereby threatening himself

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Mighty Aphrodite quotes

  • Linda Ash: You want to go inside, take a shower? You can study me up close and personal.

    Lenny Weinrib: Oh... oh, no, I've bathed already.

  • Kevin: It makes my stomach sick to my stomach.