Don lost the weekend, I lost my interest in alcohol

Leonard 2022-01-09 08:01:01

Seeing that I don't want to drink anymore, I am disgusted with being drunk. The often-sounding background music is weird and long, and both the audience and the deep-seated Don are tortured with no end in sight. Analyzing an alcoholic so deeply, his patience was exhausted, and every trace of optimism that he ignited was worn out. Although Don is indeed very talented, it is indeed romantic when he put the carnations in his newly stolen bag. But the beautiful words are only spoken out, why don’t they write them down? I can’t imagine how the heroine will stay with me for three years and still want to be with me for a lifetime, so that the thought of “if this is an HE I will be disappointed” keeps on me. The mind came to mind. The final awakening was abrupt, but with Don’s positive words and memories, it seemed that the last hour and forty minutes was just a beautiful imagination at the beginning of the weekend. The "perfect circle" is still going back and forth, satisfying everyone’s hopes for Don. The desire to cheer up again fits my evil instincts. The story of a frustrated writer and Meili Bole reminds me of "The Master and Margarita", but this time, Voland is hiding in the bottle on the chandelier. The gun in the mirror is the last salvation.

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The Lost Weekend quotes

  • 'Bim' Nolan, Male Nurse: Prohibition - that's what started most of these guys off. Whoopie. Now, be a good boy and drink this.

    Don Birnam: I don't want it.

    'Bim' Nolan, Male Nurse: Better take it. Liable to be a little floor show later on, around here. It might get on your nerves.

    Don Birnam: Floor show?

    'Bim' Nolan, Male Nurse: Ever hear of the DTs?

    Don Birnam: No!

    'Bim' Nolan, Male Nurse: You will, brother.

    Don Birnam: Not me!

    'Bim' Nolan, Male Nurse: Like to make a little bet? After all, you're just a Freshman. Wait till you're a Sophomore. That's when you start seeing the little animals. You know that stuff about pink elephants? That's the bunk. It's little animals. Little tiny turkeys in straw hats. Midget monkeys coming through the key holes. See that guy over there? With him, its beetles. Come the night, he sees beetles crawling all over him. Has to be dark though.

  • Mrs. Deveridge: He's off on another toot! And you know I'm darned right.