The imitation of love is not love.

Viviane 2022-11-25 09:15:40

The diplomat summed it up well. He liked notoriety and escape to prove his existence.

His manipulation method is quite low-level-you are not recognized, but I see your advantages, I can make you the person you want to be. I don't quite understand how these words can make people's hearts move. There is no price without any endowment. The reason is simple and simple. But there is nothing to blame. People are trapped by weakness, and each has its own limitations.

* Low-level: Not smart, it is easy to make people see their intentions.

In the end, the black guy was in peace, and the Quebec woman had been in pain, perhaps in regret. She was a puppet all her life and died. Why is this happening? I personally think that the male protagonist hates white people, and he has no sympathy for them in his heart. Whether it is to all the people he murdered or to the Quebec woman who has been around him, no feelings or feelings are not enough, it is more just manipulation and rhetorical manipulation.

He was different to the black guy, and finally let him go, saying that he was of no use value. But another meaning of no use value is that you can no longer be manipulated.

Quebec woman, even if she was skeptical, she tried to believe that the other party loved her, and she realized it at the last minute. And as the hero's mother said, he was just acting in love. But in fact, to tell the truth, his expression of love is also very superficial. His mouth is the most unreliable. A person who truly loves you can't let you go to hell with him.

The love I'm talking about doesn't just refer to love, it refers to attachment and caring, it can be to family members to friends to lovers. If you really care about a person from the bottom of your heart, you won't let the other person fall with you.

The male protagonist’s methods of murder are also very low-level, using people’s kindness.

In the last episode, his wife in France returned to him. Needless to say, it can be inferred that the trick he used is still love imitating, so as to make the other party believe that letting the other party stay allows the other party to serve him willingly.

The time span of this drama is quite long, and the shock is even greater. At the end, I felt that this male protagonist was a bit sad, and I didn't know what he wanted, but he hadn't gotten it. It could really make him feel peaceful and satisfy what he lacked in his heart. If he got it, he would not repeat the same path over and over again. He thought that what he wanted was this, but found that it was not enough, but he had no other way to prove himself, so he repeated this way to avoid facing the true self by proving himself. It seems to be satisfied but not. If it is really satisfied, it will not be the lifestyle of being followed by desire or following desire. Of course it is also possible that this is the life he wants, and my speculation is only my speculation.

The diplomat is very brave. Without him, the case might not be solved. From a bystander's point of view, thank him. From the perspective of people around him, such as his wife (who later became an ex-wife), being with such a person is painful. She loves him, is worried about him, and doesn't want him to devote all of his energy to this case, and at least give her life to herself, but the diplomat has fallen into it. Can't be together, can only be separated. Love, but love cannot solve all problems, love will be extinguished by certain obstacles and expectations. Love may still be there, but it can't burn anymore.

The female owner who runs the resort hotel is very brave. Without her, diplomats would not have collected so much evidence.

Pull the long time line, this life, I feel it is worth it. The choice of a diplomat seems to others to be over-committed, but this is his choice, and his personal life is personally driven.

Finally, I want to say something to the girls. Please remember that the person who truly loves you will not take you to hell. Language is nothing but appearance.

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