In 2021, the high-scoring historical and political thriller drama "The Mauritanian" produced by the BBC and co-produced with the United States and the United Kingdom, also known as "Prisoner #760" and "Out of Control Trial", is based on the true events of Slahi's autobiography "Guantanamo Diary" Adapted and won the 78th Golden Globe Award. The film tells that after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the U.S. military and public opinion need to catch terrorists to vent their anger. The U.S. government believes that Mauritanian Slahi is one of the 9/11 terrorists. On August 4, 2002, he was arrested and transferred to Guantanamo prison in Cuba. Torture, without trial or conviction, was thrown into Guantanamo Prison as a "scapegoat" for 14 years, and finally regained freedom on October 17, 2016 with the help of defense lawyer Nancy and others.
It is inconvenient to comment on whether the film is good or not, but the sense of reality and substitution is something that every viewer can't avoid:
First, it reflects the torture and disregard of human rights by the U.S. government and the U.S. military, and criticizes the same serious violations of human rights in the United States.
Second, religion can save people's hearts. Religions guide human kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and conscience. All religions have the same goal by different paths. Islam and Christianity can also reconcile and bridge the gap.
Third, how important the independence of the judiciary and the justice of the legal process are. Whether the defendant No. 760 committed a crime and whether he lied is not important, but everyone should be defended to have the right to be tried. You should always insist on it at any time and in any situation. Justice of the law. In the end, with the power of defense lawyers and conscientious prosecution lawyers, it became clear that the judiciary can uphold justice and is not controlled by the government.
Fourth, why in the United States, such a book that exposes and criticizes the government, the military, and the military intelligence bureau in the dark book can be published and staged?
Fifth, viewers should think about and answer the final question of the film: "Will you persist in resisting evil? Will you seek justice on earth to the best of your ability? And treat everyone with the inherent dignity of mankind?"
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