Hunting and killing poisonous snakes (BBC/Netflix co-produced a British drama)

Clark 2022-10-25 16:16:07

Such a good script, with real cases as the background, nearly half of the content is related to France??, the French?? Do not use it to make French?? What are the dramas doing? ?? The audience of the work has not been mentioned)? It was robbed by the BBC and Netflix and filmed into a British drama.

In the 1960s and 1970s, in Southeast Asia, there was a "hot war" in the Cold War, and the spread to countries adjacent to Vietnam can be imagined. In this turbulent age of specific tragic attributes, some evils accompany them.

According to the background of the "venomous snake" in the play, it can be seen that he was affected by the Vietnam War in his early years, which caused a certain criminal attribute in his body to erupt. The earliest crimes committed by him can even be traced to his native family and abetted his brothers to commit crimes, but he succeeded. Escape, from then on to the 70s, which is the core story content of the show. He committed crimes across countries and hunted people from Western countries. In the end, how many people did he kill and how many people were affected and injured, maybe only He knows best.

However, the extremes of things will be reversed, and no matter how strong the viper is, it will be backlashed. This is the basic law, one thing drops one thing. When they came into contact with the Dutch diplomatic ambassador and his wife in the missing case, they keenly noticed that there was something hidden behind the case and launched an investigation.

Finally, in 1976, the situation regarding "venomous snakes" was almost understood. As the "venomous snakes" committed crimes across the border, although it was difficult to obtain evidence, the police in different countries had different ways of handling cases, and it was in that particular era. But even so, according to the Dutch ambassador Based on the information searched by the couple and their surrounding friends, the police and Interpol issued wanted warrants for criminals (I really want to thank them for their persistent efforts over the decades, especially the Dutch diplomatic ambassador and his wife). From then on, The "venomous snake" is no longer a hunter, he has become the target of hunting by the police of various countries.

Although the drama makes people feel sorry for the victims, the Dutch diplomatic ambassador and his wife are even more regrettable. After decades, have they ever thought about it because the "venomous snake" case caused them to separate and even affected their lives for half of their lives. When the case was accepted, these people must have never expected that these cases would affect their lives for half of their lives.

In my opinion, shooting such works is of great warning significance, and I hope that more people can understand it.

C'est bon, clear, BBC and Netflix jointly filmed the English show at the end of the show. The audience will feel the impact of English, French, German and other languages.

Plot/crime/crime/year, 80 works, children under 15 years old are not allowed to watch (classified warning)!

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