very nice

Chet 2022-09-06 12:24:35

The screenwriter and rhythm are great, especially the first five episodes. After watching the episodes, I dreamed of helping Herman catch the bad guys at night. It is the best TV series I have seen this year.

The several angles I pay attention to about this show may be a bit strange.

There is a lot of Western overlook of Eastern culture in this play, although it is white people who are hurt this time. A few years ago, an occasional chat made me feel disgusted with the exotic complex of Western whites. At that time, there was a parent of a child classmate who particularly liked Chinese culture. He taught English in China for more than a year, and talked about celebrating the Spring Festival in Northeast China that day. She used amazing many, many times, and I suddenly felt very sad. It turns out that the stereotypes and bad habits in my eyes are a mysterious and fun existence in the eyes of foreigners. They don’t want to understand or care about the cultural narrative behind it. The unfriendly people living in it, what they pursue is have fun. Then I watched a movie called "Baclau" two years ago. It was written that white people teamed up to hunt in remote villages in Brazil. The funeral at the beginning of the story also paved the way for the massacre of the small village by the white people. The "exotic style" of backward civilization is mostly curiosity and seldom equal. These even affected my experience during my last trip to Bali. Although I am not a white person, it is obvious that the tourist area in Bali is a Truman world built from the perspective of Westerners, just like Alan said when Monica was brainwashed. "These white people are just here for fun, and people in imperialist countries don't care about us at all." The four words for fun is really a good summary of my feelings about traveling in Bali.

The actors in the show have prototypes, so I don't know if Billy Hall's slightly neurotic performance is based on Herman's own characteristics. At first, he was a little unaccustomed to it. Later, the more I watched it, the more I realized it was actually a good performance. We often say that a person is "trembling with anger" and describe him as a sleepy beast. These emotions are all performed by Billy Hall. It is the powerlessness and resentment that a person faces when an entire system is crushed and wants to resist. When watching a drama, you can deeply feel the weight of the word "human rights". This amount does not come from the preciousness of people, but from the insignificance of people and others, including the power system, who do not care about individuals, especially vulnerable individuals, so Hull Man yelled, "If we don't care about the life and death of human beings, what is the meaning of human existence." The preciousness of human rights may lie in the hope that so many generations have exhausted their efforts to fight for the right that people will no longer be insignificant in the eyes of their peers. .

Charles will be caught thanks to Herman's persistence, which is shown in a fanatical manner in the play. I think it is because he happened to be very young at that time. People slowly grow up and accept that they are not that important. They will increasingly look at problems from the perspective of the outside world. However, young people are very selfish, that is, his world is actually centered on him. People’s ego is often manifested in selfishness. For example, when you lose love, you feel that the sky is falling. But Hermann’s ego is when he firmly believes in his ideals. If he has justice, he believes that the whole world should have it, and he will try to prove it. He looks crazy and at no cost, but he is actually very cute.

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