The heart is complaining about it, but the body feels good

Harley 2022-08-06 20:33:03

Ms. Mu Dorothy raised her hand and posted a tweet about the show, opened the show, and watched it all in one go.

The dual heroine story template is nothing more than telling about the problems that arise at the intersection of their lives and their lives, and how to solve them to ensure that their lives continue. This kind of story routine is very common. The two protagonists may be mother and daughter, friends, siblings, etc., all symbiosis but contradictory relationships.

"Ginny and Georgia" is exactly like this-a high school rebellious daughter, a young single mother, a very clichéd contradictory symbiosis. In this very clichéd story template, what kind of struggles did the screenwriter do with new wine in old bottles?

First of all, the screenwriter gave his mother Georgia an unusual growth background. In fact, Georgia was born in 1985 to 90. We are still single solo, but Georgia already has a high school daughter and elementary school son. , This shock is too big.

Looking at Georgia’s native family again, her mother is a smoker and turned a blind eye to her stepfather’s abuse of her, so Georgia ran away from home as a teenager. After that, he joined the Blood Eye Gang and met Ginny's father. Then she got pregnant by accident and gave birth to Ginny at the age of 15. In order to prevent Ginny's grandparents from taking away Ginny's custody, she took Ginny to live alone. Committed to a middle-aged man, opened an underground gambling house, and went to jail. Although he lived with Ginny's father for a short period of time, he left again because he wanted to be Ginny's father's lover instead of being shackles. Later he remarried and had a young son, but his second husband went to jail because of corruption. Later, I married a man who opened a high-end chain yoga studio. Because this man had trouble with Ginny, Georgia caused his accidental death...

Georgia is taking herself out of the quagmire of life step by step. The men around her have also obtained the power she wants from her relationship, from middle-class black boys, small bosses, to wealthy businessmen who open chain stores, to mayors.

em~ Maybe the show should be renamed "The Legend of Georgia" or "The Great Georgia".

And Ginny’s PART, because it can easily become youth pain literature. For a normal teenager, her troubles are nothing more than love, friendship, confusion about life, and so on. So, the screenwriter set her to be a mixture of white and black, so Ginny was troubled by her self-identity.

At the same time, no one around her is an ordinary person! ! ! There are three girlfriends, one is a crazy lesbian; the other is a Jewish girl with divorced parents who likes to attract attention; the other is an Asian adopted by a white family. And the two boys who developed a relationship with Ginny, one is an Asian of Taiwanese and Thai ethnicity, also have self-identity barriers; the other boy’s good friend passed away last year...

God, so is the screenwriter trying to express that every teenager has troubles, or is it to fill the plot, create conflict, and force these people together?

Why did you turn into a complaint about this drama, it took me almost 10 hours to see her?

It’s weird. I think the show is so bloody, it looks so cool and I can’t stop it, but the words I typed out were complaining about it. The screenwriter took such an old-fashioned template and threw in all kinds of materials. , I fried a big pot of stew for me.

I finished eating happily, then wiped my mouth and scolded the chef for what he was cooking.

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