Not understanding and lack of communication

Kiley 2022-08-06 21:25:39

Teenagers are really annoying. Sometimes, ginny is really self-centered, but she still looks like a mother when she doesn't agree with it. It’s too feminist. The part of quarreling with the hunter on the bed really shows that she thinks that she has suffered a lot of injustice because of being a black and white, but this kind of attention makes her one-sided, thinking only of her own suffering and ignoring her. With the hunter who is struggling like her, the hunter has a thorough understanding of identity and racial discrimination and is groping for survival. Ginny is just a child who can cry but doesn't want to change.

In the last episode, everyone’s conflicts and quarrels were so bloody, they were all misunderstood, and I don’t know how to clarify them? Did the screenwriter deliberately let everyone fall out for the second season?

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