If everyone were blindfolded and listened, how beautiful this world would be.

Wava 2022-08-20 23:50:50

When you tore off the last calendar, was 2020 also thrown into the trash can of time, and has it entered history since then? Probably not, 2020 is not dead, as long as we all have a mouth that can spit lotus.

In fact, everyone knows the situation in 2020, but what's the matter: politicians say that everything is fine, and the virus will run away; Hollywood actors say congratulations to South Korea for contributing to a good film that deeply exposes social reality; Historians are quoting and talking freely there; the big black girls are demanding democracy there, Internet celebrities are attracting attention, the housewives are scanning Facebook, and the housewives are saying that I am optimistic about the world.

Look, if everyone hadn't blindfolded and just listened with their ears, how beautiful this world would be.

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Death to 2020 quotes

  • Gemma Nerrick: Totally put me off using hands whatsoever. So, I started doing absolutely everything with my elbows instead. And it was shortly after that my boyfriend left.

  • Director: In March, the President aid the pandemic would simply "go away."

    Jeanetta Grace Susan: Okay, see...


    Jeanetta Grace Susan: This is what the media does. You lie, fabricate, fantasize. The president never said that.

    Trump: [Recording on tablet] It will go away. Stay Calm. We want to protect our shipping industry.

    Jeanetta Grace Susan: [Handing tablet off] Okay, I know this doesn't fit with your agenda, but this never happened.