"A strong father-son relationship, let's cooperate well together" — "Snow Light Disaster"

Adelbert 2022-08-07 16:10:48

In the last scene, A really burst. The villain said triumphantly at first... Just use this bear trap. Do you still want to catch me? Then the protagonist flew up in the next second, took the villain off the cliff, and caught his foot on the bear trap.

ok. The protagonist wins... all the villains sacrifice.

This movie is actually quite good, with ups and downs in the plot. I thought that the villain was a big idiot, but this villain was obviously much smarter. The villain saw the protagonist go around and went back to the cabin, so he thought of the protagonist’s daughter in this place...the protagonist’s daughter was Go to the top of the mountain to report the letter.

The hero is really powerful. I read a report earlier that said: In Western countries, people look for a husband not to see whether the other person is handsome or not, but to see whether the other person is strong and whether he can protect his family.

I didn't realize it until I got here, but it's really the case.

"Father and son soldiers in battle, let's cooperate well together."

The father of the male lead has Alzheimer's disease and often forgets many things. The protagonist was very worried about his father, so he planned to take his father to the small wooden house where he lived before to remember the past; because he missed the time before.

When they went to the cabin, they found that someone had put a lot of drugs in that place. The father immediately said: "Even if it is useless to return the drugs, they will still kill us."

The hero first tried to return half of the drugs, but the other party became angry. The protagonist said: "Then I will send the child away first, and after I have sent the child away, I will kill each other with you."

So the male protagonist drove a snowmobile and took his daughter; let her bravely run to the top of the mountain.

Even if it is a father and son soldier, the people in this family are very brave. The daughter was very brave, and the father was very brave. In the end, the mother rushed up bravely. The mother rushed up and killed a little soldier and saved her daughter. What a good mother.

very brave.

"I want to see heavy snow in summer; I want to see the bright sun in winter"

In summer, I want to see the snow falling all over the sky. In winter, I want to take a look at the bright sun and the sunny weather... In short, it is this mountain that looks at the high mountain, and I always want to see something different.

I watched the snow falling all over the floor in the movie when the snow fell. I really wanted to get into the screen at once, even if I was frozen to death.

Maybe sometimes, people just want to... Give it a go.

I think I am probably like this now.

The sky is clear and clear, and the clouds are lingering. I want to go out and take a look. The result is always no chance and nothing. Originally at the age when I should struggle, I chose ease, but I was still not reconciled and still felt that life was very hard.

When I look back, I always feel that the road ahead is lost and indefinitely far away. On earth should I... where should I go?

Really confused and confused.

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