One-dimensional man's all-round dissection

Barton 2022-01-09 08:02:08

A lot of what you know are facts but not the truth. Sometimes the truth is not in the facts, but in some timelines that have long been far away from the facts.

Mu Xin said that life is an interweaving of the servility of people and the servility of things. Many men in a one-dimensional world may sometimes need to try to understand his imprisonment and imprisonment where he is nowhere to be placed.

The male protagonist L lives with his parents all year round, and his parents live in a confined and conservative Jewish community for a long time. This community never pays attention to personal feelings and privacy, but lives as a group of groups, and has a reputation for wealth throughout his life. Face imprisoned, the male protagonist’s parents and the community even want their children to marry each other. Everyone in the family is too lonely. The children of this kind of family are lonely from childhood to most. Even a little family, love, and friendship will be very lonely. Soaked up by the environment. To what extent is the hero attracted? He is such a talented child who was forced by his parents to go to law school. He couldn't go on and interrupted. In the end, he became a dick who helped the family store run errands. Later, he met his beloved fiancée, but he was killed by his parents. After being forced to marry Jian, he was forcibly separated after discovering a genetic problem, which led to his subsequent suicide by jumping into the river. The male protagonist went home after failing to throw himself into the river, and was discussed by his parents about his mental illness without dignity. His history of suicide many times, this time he was asked to come out to meet the dinner with the marriage family at night without giving him any time. My father has a classic saying "We want you to join", emphasizing we. The elders of this kind of family have always been like this. They always force their ideas on their children instead of asking "do you want to..." His mother watched him like an animal. She lay down on the ground outside his room and took a mirror reflection to peep at him. Almost all the women in the one-dimensional world were disabled, not this kind of surveillance voyeur, even he wanted to take a bath. Look, otherwise it’s a hysterical neuropathy that suppresses self-emotion. No one cares about what he needs at all. No one pays attention to his feelings of going all out but failing again and again every time he falls in love. He doesn’t really expect him to be happy, just pretends to be a Virgin and speaks. Gun, this is the fact.

The truth is not these facts. He teased the children next to him at a boring dinner party. This "little truth" was seen by his later wife from the same family and community; he was doing express delivery to the store at home. , Performing funny pantomimes to the clerk, this is another truth, but he saw that his father had no feelings, and urged him to hurry to deliver the courier. The boring family business is not as important as his son’s instant happiness; he Going to pub with the obsessed goddess is not at all the good son in the eyes of his parents. He is like many normal people in New York who leave the old-fashioned community, and will shake as much as possible. This is another truth. . . Countless small truths show that L actually has a normal side, even if this side is greatly suppressed, even if he is no different from men in a traditional one-dimensional society, this truth also makes him suffer. Facing and longing for love, longing for intimacy and longing for freedom, he has to face his own youthfulness and jealousy when his favorite goddess and boyfriend are intimate; he also has to face his long-term isolation from modern life, in this beautiful New York The world is not adapted to consumerism. In the restaurant where the goddess asked her, a glass of pre-dinner wine that many people would drink, and a Cartier diamond ring that was exchanged with a roll of private money that had been stored for a long time; this layer The truth lies in a deeper level. He is infinitely eager to break away from the one-dimensional world without love and to the pursuit of the normal world. Of course, he cannot resist any possibility of breaking away from the one-dimensional world brought about by love, so he and the one-dimensional world Like every life in the world, moths are knocking back and forth in love, talking about those ridiculous promises, he does not have the normal love, ability, and ability of people in the high-dimensional human world.

He is just a puppet.

A puppet, a puppet is a human + a ghost, a person who is the same as a ghost or even controlled by a ghost; a puppet refers to a large and reliable cage in ancient times, and a puppet refers to a person who is confined. A real person has never made the real choice he wants, and has never made efforts to dominate his own destiny. Everyone in the family is taking advantage of him, even his mother, his wife, and his wife’s father are crushed to the point, and even suicide is laughed at. The emptiness and darkness of the feudal community is actually a grave.

So the core truth comes out: people in the one-dimensional world are trapped too deeply, deceive themselves and others too much, no matter how fast they run, they can’t catch up with any important person in their lives. No matter how loud you are, you can’t open a door to a new dimension. No matter what you pay for others, the decision you make is wrong. The other party can’t feel love, there is no such moving atmosphere, no feeling of love, and it is burdened with falsehoods. Regardless of his identity, whether he is a husband, a father, a wife, or a mother, he can only be imprisoned and imprisoned, and he can only live in a fantasy that has always been disillusioned. No identity is suitable for him, so one After all, Uighurs feel that it is meaningless to live.

The male protagonist, he is like anyone in the high-dimensional world. He doesn't want to give up himself for the sake of the family and the community. He is also eager to live out his own color. It took a short time to regain his personal touch for the first time, but the atmosphere was very beautiful. He put on the most handsome suit vigorously, and his weird mother who did not care at all looked at him strangely, and then went to the goddess with beautiful music. Even with this appointment, the goddess did not only make an appointment with him. . . In the process of going to the appointment, before he was awakened by the deeper truth, this segment still became his peak segment. The whole process was no different from that of a normal man going on a date with his beloved woman. He just wants to be a normal person who loves freely. Any free normal person, a normal person who can freely love, has that kind of moment and that kind of charm, but he is constantly being beaten back, incompatible with the free world, in the family imprisonment.

The one-dimensional environment with no love at all, strong feudal control and disrespect, has long shown that his values ​​with the normal world are reversed. He is not allowed to fall in love freely, is not respected for personal feelings, and his happiness is completely parental. Without knowing to care, even the goddess who happened to come to his house for a while by the parents was not very polite, just because she was an outsider who entered by accident. They only accept acquaintances within the community.

Such an environment created his struggles, divisions, exaggerations, extremes, depression, all kinds of surprises, various mispredictions in another dimension, normal women's preferences. The long-term isolation of the traditional family has created a very low emotional intelligence, and it is impossible to see the truth of other people's behavior. If you can't deceive others by funny and entertaining, he will not be accepted by the normal society. He is like a disabled person. He has not experienced normal family emotions, that kind of normal love. His parents lead an ordinary life without fun. His father occasionally watches serial dramas. The most fun thing in a year can be used with his son. The thing to show off is just going to the club for a swim. The mother relies on the empty social life of the community to maintain his vitality. The spare tire sandra’s cold sex wind constantly emphasizes the importance of the ceremony to him. In all kinds of solemn rituals, they He couldn't see the sense of absurdity, the real life feelings of escaping because of the emphasis on false rituals, his sensibility was suppressed, he couldn't see what kind of person he was, and he was monitored by his mother even using a computer to go online. , All this implies that there is an insurmountable distance between him and the high-dimensional world of normal human beings.

In the beginning, human nature is good. As long as most people can escape from the malignant one-dimensional environment, escape the surveillance of low-level life in the environment, and learn to observe the world with their own senses, they can return to the human soul and leave the confinement of the old world. Like many ordinary people, when they meet a goddess, they even give up their family and community, and are willing to leave. This is entirely human nature, and he also yearns for salvation.

In addition to contending with human servility, there is also a contending part with things. The long-term imprisonment is only a small material security. From the perspective of the hidden money, his long-term finances are controlled by his parents. The parents’ long-term consideration is only a medical insurance. This animal-style breeding method is in many one-dimensional ways. You can see it in the environment. The stable living conditions seem insignificant when humanity desires freedom and desires to be a normal person. He still desperately bankrupted his family to buy the diamond ring. People are always the product of emotions. Even people who are incomplete are the most eager emotionally. A sense of intimacy is the most important evidence of human existence.

There are many details worth paying attention to. He is trying hard to be a normal person. He doesn't want to be looked down upon. When he confessed to the goddess, his sudden increase in hormones has almost made him collapse. It is weird that he is like a lunatic when he makes love with the goddess. She said strange things, and couldn't say a word of true feelings. When she was still in her climax, she praised her for her beauty. . And the married man loved by the goddess said these two words when he confessed

Before he said these two sentences, as soon as he entered the door and saw the sick goddess, he cried silently because of distress. This is a normal way of loving his girlfriend.

Therefore, the original normal subjectivity of the tragic male protagonist, the sense of loss, the instability, the extreme imbalance and pain, are all presented in the strong contrast between the two worlds. Even every time he deceives Sandra, the spare tire, he has no sense of disobedience to Sandra's performance. This kind of performance is not felt right in the high-dimensional world. He just thinks that if the favorite is not available, at least There can also be a bottom. He tried to assemble himself one personality after another, trying to have a married, this new identity, but after just a hug, he found that this identity was fake, and he eventually retreated from the top to accept that he did not love Sandra, just because this unloved child wants to have a new personality. Just like the gift that humble sandra gave him, the glove looks like a protection, but in fact it isolates the sense of touch. The world he exists is often isolated with various obstacles, so that his sincerity is not touched. Who wants to play with it? Wearing gloves to touch the game, no one can resist real emotions. From his perspective, these people are like some meaningless shadows, and they can't even let him see himself through the shadows. High-dimensional people don't need to be too deliberate at all. Even if they only use natural light, they can see their hearts through the intensity of light and darkness unique to the two dimensions. In his world, he has almost never received direct sunlight. He is always in the shadows. His emotions have been isolated from the high-dimensional world in his mind for a long time. Later, when he saw from the goddess The emotions of real people are just her low-down talks, enough to show him the joy of normal people in the high-dimensional world. The more things he feels from the goddess, the more and more sunshine he feels. Constantly deepening the fight between light and shadow, low-dimensional feudal imprisonment and the high-dimensional normal world, but he is really a tragedy. The fight was stopped because of the disparity of energy at the beginning. If he sees him deceiving feelings through sandra Himself, like a high-dimensional person, he may not be so impulsive, throw away the ring given to the goddess, turn around, pick it up, and give it to sandra. A man in a one-dimensional world does something terrible and acts for someone he doesn’t love. , Don’t treat each other as human beings, often because they can’t see themselves, there is no dimension to reflect their inner behaviors, and there are no high-dimensional people to provide that precious dimension, so that they can see the mistakes of their behavior.

The lack of precious dimensions, the imprisonment of energy, the lack of circulation of energy, and the restraint of precious personality make him hide a huge horrible ending in every love. And this is the truth of most men and women in a one-dimensional world. They always Concentrate on false passions and moments of play that are unsustainable and lack the true emotional core, but cannot understand the love that does not represent them. Even if there is no love, people can have those cheap things, and then experience the long emotions behind the short pleasures for a long time. The lack, exhaustion, and self-world are entrapped by each other, manipulated by various face-saving reasons, and sent to each other into a more mediocre actual life. People in the high-dimensional world grow up and become more abundant, one after another new doors are opened for them, but they are the opposite, when they grow up, their hearts dead... one door after another in their order Closed in front of you.

So apart from this tragedy, I saw another possibility that was completely different from the ending. That is the will that people in the high-dimensional world have for a long time: resist the death and resist, and don't hide their hearts.

If the goddess chooses him later and gives him the time he needs most, the more he knows and the more he feels, the light and shadow will become more and more balanced. Even if he lives within certain boundaries, he is always in Under the usual shadow of imprisonment in the one-dimensional world, all kinds of meaningless family face, masked marriage, weak parent-child relationship, etc., assuming that he will enter the worst situation in life, it is better to return to the half-shadow that always exists in the world. Normal state: light still has space to penetrate. Light, which symbolizes openness, freedom, tolerance, liberation, pleasure, true love, is always present with the dark struggle that symbolizes closure, tradition, lovelessness, and false representations. It will also make him His life is full and three-dimensional, and the dimensions are complicated. As long as his life can be illuminated by the high-dimensional sunlight, even if the light comes from the high-dimensional people’s overlook, it will not affect the supplement of this light. He just needs one dimension, one It's just reflection. Even if you look at the high-dimensional world through the eyes of a true goddess, there is still a lot of room for improvement in this world. I believe that the true goddess will not think that he is pitiful in the low-dimensional world. She herself is perfect, and she only represents more Real people, more true love, better civilization.

Looking down does not mean discrimination.

Calm, not mixed with too much personal emotions, restrained and calmly viewed the low-dimensional world, and you can still see his beauty of looking hard and fighting with the old self, just like a country's epic with a pivotal hologram. There has never been an emperor here. There are only dolls fooled by the times by the society and the family. They live in the fairy tales woven by every small family in every culture to use him. He thinks he is an emperor, but in fact he just has an identity. This false fairy tale always encounters the audience's merciless dismantling, the colors are vulgar but withered, and the identity is just the door that can never be closed, the terrible theater that can not be escaped. Presumably he just wants to be a healthy and loving ordinary person in his next life. The one-dimensional feudal atmosphere and disrespect for human emotions and human feelings are not limited to any era. This dimension is the entire region. The hardest thing is to tell a story from the perspective of almost everyone. We don't want to stand in the sadness of eternity, perhaps standing in the cold of the dark world is the precious fragment of who has been lost.

Looking down from a certain angle, there is always an inexplicable optimism, gradually without prejudice, without slander. Just like love and right and wrong, or art and politics, can be separated,

So there are always infinite blessings:

Therefore, it is better to bless him, not to give up the discussion of his ultimate problem, to have space to think about the reason that life is false, the character is strange, and the unconscionable deception is the same as the one-dimensional world's exhausted counterpart. One day, with the light of the high-dimensional world, we will step out of the one-dimensional world. Let feudal and modern, low-dimensional and high-dimensional energy two kinds of light can reconcile a common soundtrack in their respective worlds. He and you can reproduce the sacred scene of the two worlds fused and upgraded into the high-dimensional world, even in In the low-dimensional world, he can also re-experience that unconditional love, which is the only condition for regaining the realm of life.

Tell your heart to beat again!

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