Lonely Love

Allene 2022-12-15 18:48:15

This is a love letter. Anna wrote a ten-year love letter to the dead Shawn.
In the past ten years, Anna couldn't start again, and when she finally decided to move on, she stood in front of Shawn's grave and cried bitterly.

In fact, she still loved Shawn so much that she did not dare to face the little boy who claimed to be her dead husband. She said, I don't want to fall in love with Shawn again. What
she fears is that the love and longing that she finally suppressed will burst again, and the love that she thinks has faded will make a comeback. And all this is just for Shawn who no longer exists.
This feeling is so deep that Anna will fall in love with a ten-year-old child who claims to be Shawn. She was not in love with that boy, but Shawn. She said, I really want to know what you look like when you grow up. Eleven years later, you will be twenty-one. Then we get married.
This is a deep love letter.

I think if Shawn knows everything, he should feel guilty when he sees all this. Anna loves herself so deeply, ten years is not enough to smooth her love. But the man who died of a heart attack had a lover, who was also the wife of his best man.
Even the ten-year-old child is more worthy of Anna's love than this man. The little boy wanted to be Shawn because he fell in love with Anna, because he believed that Anna and Shawn were in love with each other; he decided not to be Shawn anymore because he discovered this extramarital affair, and he could not accept Shawn who did not love Anna.
A ten-year-old child still respects
and has a soft spot, but a soft spot is a dream that can only be realized by a ten-year-old.

The director used a lot of long still shots to show the expressions and eyes of the characters.
In the concert of choosing the wedding march, Anna's inner struggle and hesitation were written in her eyes. From the initial dismissal, to fear and hesitation, to waver and hesitation, to the choice between inner love and immediate happiness, Anna's role gave Nicole a lot of room to play.
The little boy also has outstanding performance. This little actor has melancholy eyes and expressions, his deep black eyes that are too strong to dissolve, his silence, and his long gaze make people truly believe that he is the reincarnated Shawn who loves Anna very much. .
So far, the movie has been very successful.

But the role of Anna's fiance Joseph was a failure. If the confession he made at the beginning of the engagement made people feel moved by his affection, to the appearance of the little boy who claimed to be the ex-husband of his fiancée made him annoyed, it was just the right kind of human affection, then Anna turned back and begged him. His understanding and the day of his wedding when he pulled back the desperate Anna from the beach, it was an illogical and unexpected ending.
He is a man who truly loves Anna, and he has waited a long time.
But this is not a battle between tolerant big love and selfish little love.
Facing a woman who has never walked out of the past and never stopped loving her ex-husband, a woman she can never truly own, a reincarnation who is willing to choose ten years old A woman whose ex-husband is unwilling to take the last step of the wedding, a woman who cannot move forward even if she turns her head,
is there really a man who can be so open-minded? The normal reaction that was reasonable before, and the unexpected tolerance and generosity afterwards, unless the man is already heartbroken, a person who is heartbroken won't care about it anymore.

Perhaps the director did not intend to write too much on the plot. For example, Anna’s ex-husband only showed the sound of the opening and a jogging back. For example, he did not explain why the little boy fell in love with Anna, such as the experience between Anna and Joseph. It was just a simple confession at the engagement banquet, so he didn't think about how to end it in order to be reasonable.
The depressive atmosphere of the movie, the little boy's calm expression, and Anna's easy belief in reincarnation are all because Anna loves Shawn too much.
So, under the street light, Anna bent down gently, and the little boy gently held her face and gave a soft kiss.
The director just wanted to write a love letter. A love letter from a living affectionate wife to a dead widowed husband. What the whole movie shows is just a love, a love that is only related to one person.

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Birth quotes

  • Anna: What happened to me was not my fault. There's no way I could have behaved any differently, you now... What I did wasn't my fault. What happended to me wasn't my fault, and I can't be held accountable for it. There is no way I could ever have said to him 'Go away'.I couldn't do it... It was a mistake. And... I'm sorry. But I want to be with you. I want to be with you. Yes, I do. And I want to get married, and... I wanna have a good life, and I wanna be happy. That's all I want - peace.

  • Anna: What are you doing?

    Young Sean: I'm looking at my wife.