The Jewish Question

Eve 2022-09-20 04:22:09

The instructor once said that there is still no good book on the Holocaust in American Jewish history. Silence is almost a customary practice of witnesses. As a student of American Jewish history, I was dumbfounded by watching the first episode on Amazon.

It was actually shot! Sure enough, only Jews in the United States would shoot like this!

The United States has always been the number one destination for Jewish immigrants. From the 19th century to modern times, most Jews around the world chose to come to the United States. What makes America so special? Of course, this question cannot be answered simply, nor will there be a unique answer, but an answer that both academic circles and the general public agree with is that the United States can allow Jews to live as "Jews."

Don’t pretend, don’t worry about being discriminated against by the government because you are a Jew. Through social activities and political efforts, generations of people have succeeded in turning Jewishness into a religious identity rather than a race. Living in this way in the United States that emphasizes religious freedom is even more worry-free.

So, when Ruth found out that the Nazis were living in the United States, she would be so panicked and created the Hunt desperately. Like she said, I want to protect my light.

A main thread throughout the text is Jonah's choice, which also reflects the anxiety of American Jews today. The older generation does not want to say that the younger generation does not understand the heavy burden on them. Young people are becoming more and more American, which of course is their goal, but only if they are Jewish inside. Therefore, the whole play puts Hebrew, Jewish ceremonies, and Jewish weddings in the whole play, hoping that the Jewish teenagers in the audience will ignite a sense of belonging to Jews just like Jonah.

The biggest reversal of the whole show is that Meyer, as the hunter leader, is actually a Nazi himself. Many people think that this is a failure, and that the screenwriter is unclear, so I think this is the deeper point of this drama. What is a Jew? Meyer has always told Jonah that this is your birthright, your birthright, which defines Judaism as a descent inheritance. But what about Meyer? After 30 years of disguise, he lived as a Jew more than a Jew. Who can easily say that he is not a Jew?

Since the founding of Israel, Jews from all over the world have moved in continuously. Jews in Yemen, Ethiopia, the Middle East, China, and the Jews in Central and Eastern Europe have very different customs and even skin colors, but they all believe in Judaism. Many people who marry Jews also choose to convert to Judaism. These people challenged the traditional definition of "Jews" and, just like American Jews, turned it into a religious concept, that is, Jews are people who believe in Judaism. However, Judaism and Christianity are not the same. They are never rare to recruit believers. The recent international situation has also greatly increased the conservative forces in the Israeli government. The definition of Jews has also become narrower. One of the main targets of attack is the United States, because they are too free and too indifferent. "Jewish": Ignoring religious traditions, and turning women into rabbis. This play can be seen as a counterattack by American Jews!

The show challenged many stereotypes of Jews, "explained" many Jewish values ​​(mainly to Jewish audiences), and had many easter eggs. However, leaving these aside, from the perspective of the plot and the rhythm itself, I also think this is a very good drama, but if you have some understanding of Jewish history, it is definitely not enough to watch this drama!

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