The nondescript living version of "Human Ghosts Are Unexpected"

Georgianna 2022-09-02 17:51:08

This film was considered a blockbuster in the cinema at the time, and seeing several films in succession was its advertisement. At that time, I wanted to buy a ticket for Nicole Kidman, but I was ashamed for a while. It turned out that God cared more about my wallet than I did. If I went there, I wouldn’t sleep, but I was suffocated in the cinema. It's almost certain inside.

From the perspective of the suspense film, because this kind of plot is not compatible with horror, it is really impossible to make up a tense rhythm, and the technicality of the appetite is even stronger. "Zhuan" does a good job in this regard, the lens is very stagnant, the tone is very dim, the performance of the characters is also saturated with a "slow", there are not many dialogues, and the sentences are very short, successfully rendering a depressive sadness Background. The mastery of the soundtrack is also smarter. The majestic classical opera music reverberates in this era and brings a strange feeling, and it only appears grandiosely when the feelings of the characters need to be emphasized the most. But the story itself did not have a climax, everything was conveyed very, very meticulously, and overall it was quite dull.

The meticulous emphasis is on the level of the actors. In my opinion, this is not only the selling point of Zhuan, but also the only thing to watch. The lens rarely describes the panorama of the scene, that is, the cemetery and the bridge hole are used to add points to the atmosphere; a large number of close-ups of people are piled up, and the lens and the face are on the same horizontal line. More than 70%, using an objective way to "see" instead of "speaking"; especially the close-up of Nicole in the middle, which is more than a minute long and accompanied by a weird soundtrack, which made her show off her acting skills and believe it The audience was deeply impressed.

The script should be said to be pretty good. It is mainly about the little boy's use of spirit to tell things, except for this, the "inside story" of the story is rather common. However, it can be seen that the director is quite thoughtful, trying to dig out the key word in the love of "remembrance", and then reveal something in an absurd way. However, too much sadness surrounding the characters in the scene will inevitably weaken the atmosphere of suspense. Throughout the film, the audience is puzzled. They have been struggling to find a balance between the surprise of "咿" and the sigh of "ah". However, the former and the latter tend to be emotionally. It is difficult to reach the tone (who is still interested in other people's things when sad and depressed, please raise your hand), the result is that the audience is neither attracted by the suspense nor moved by the hurt. When the suspense dissipates, the sadness will finally erupt. Unfortunately, there are less than ten minutes left to add the cast and thank you. There is no other way but to let Ni use acting skills at the end, but the story is too short and she is a movie. The goddess is also really hard to come back to heaven. The strength of the last two backs on the beach can be compared to "Eternal Sunshine of the Beautiful Mind", but the ability to leave a moving image does not mean that they can hold up an even clear story. The fatal flaw is precisely here: it creates characters and reveals contradictions, but the story is messed up.

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Birth quotes

  • Anna: What happened to me was not my fault. There's no way I could have behaved any differently, you now... What I did wasn't my fault. What happended to me wasn't my fault, and I can't be held accountable for it. There is no way I could ever have said to him 'Go away'.I couldn't do it... It was a mistake. And... I'm sorry. But I want to be with you. I want to be with you. Yes, I do. And I want to get married, and... I wanna have a good life, and I wanna be happy. That's all I want - peace.

  • Anna: What are you doing?

    Young Sean: I'm looking at my wife.