My sci-fi enlightenment

Kailyn 2022-10-02 19:38:19

The BBC has just released a new three-episode miniseries "War of the World". After watching it quickly, I couldn't help but revisit the 1953 version of "War of the World". In the past, it was difficult to find online resources. In the past few years, the resources have been abundant, and they can be found without much effort, and the download speed is also very fast. It is said that a 4K repair version was released in 2018. The picture quality of your brother is similar to that of DVD. It is rough and very grainy. Fortunately, the protagonist is a Martian. There are no handsome boys or beautiful women. Just want to regain the memories of teenagers and fast forward. Finished reading things.

Your brother should have watched this film when he was in junior high school. The hardware of the middle school I was studying at that time was good, and there was a dedicated audio-visual teaching room, and I went there once or twice to take an audio-visual teaching class (I forgot what I went to). The teachers in the audio-visual classroom are teachers who are the same age or younger as your brother today. Sometimes we go early and see them playing "Star Wars" and other American science fiction films, including this "War of the World". The few shots I saw suddenly knocked down all the little kids back then, and they lost their minds in class afterwards. After the class was over, they depended on not leaving. The soft and hard bubble made those few people in charge of the audio-visual classroom. The teacher showed us the movies we saw before, and just watched a few movies like this.

The science fiction films made more than 60 years ago are naturally technically unsightly. According to today's standards, it is 50 cents special effects. It is similar to CCTV's "Journey to the West", but it actually won an Oscar for the best visual effects that year. Studio shooting was still popular in Hollywood at that time, and many of the location shots that appeared in the film, such as the falling point of the spacecraft, can be seen at a glance that they were shot in the studio. The plot is even more perfunctory, and there are no big stars in the lineup. The overall look is a kind of crude and cheap feeling, which is obviously different from the excellent Hollywood movies of the same period. If it's not for nostalgia like your brother, don't waste time. Before that, although the domestically produced movies with special effects that your brother had seen were rare, they were not without them, such as "Journey to the West", "Jigong" and "Liao Zhai", but they were all adaptations of local traditional myths familiar since childhood. The fundamental difference between "Star Wars" and "War of the World" is foreign science fiction. A certain scientific foundation plus wild fantasies can easily capture the hearts of young men who have just begun to receive comprehensive education in mathematics, physics and chemistry in middle school. What's more, there are high-rise buildings, foreign cars, houses and other exotic blessings that represent the advanced productivity of the United States. In short, this kind of film really opened the eyes of your little boy's brother, and the impression left by it is still indelible. It has completed your brother. The earliest science fiction enlightenment.

However, in the face of powerful time, human memory is ultimately unreliable. Especially in an era of information explosion like today, let alone the movies I watched decades ago, the movies I watched a few months ago may not be impressive in the blink of an eye. Except for the shape of the alien spacecraft and the jetting death beam, most of the plot details of the film have long been lost from your brother's memory. When the YB-49 bomber appeared in the movie, it made your brother shiver. Did the United States have such a sci-fi bomber in the 1950s? The sense of stunning is no worse than the alien spacecraft in the film. Quickly stop and check the information, there is really something! However, it only stayed at the stage of the verification machine, and did not have the final service. The YB-49 flight video that appeared in the film was taken directly from the military's test flight expansion and was not specifically shot for this film.

YB-49 takes off to carry out nuclear bombing of aliens

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The War of the Worlds quotes

  • Salvatore: What do we say to them?

    Wash Perry: "Welcome to California."

  • Reporter: The way he's hedging, maybe the Army didn't hold 'em. I've seen news off the Pacific cables: Sydney Australia, Penan, Rangoon, India. From what's coming through, nobody's stopped 'em yet.