Horror + Cruel + Adventure

Clinton 2022-08-05 20:33:35

I watched this movie late at night. The effect is very good, there are many bloody or violent scenes, which makes people feel straightforward. . . The

introductory part of the heart-wrenching movie is very shocking, with a nursery rhyme and a blood knife thrown on the ground. And a woman with superpowers suddenly went crazy and said that there was murderousness in the house. . "The nursery rhyme of the evil nursery, the house, the blood of death," Shi made me even more interested, wondering what would happen. Unexpectedly, this woman was killed immediately, and the movie was slowly unfolding in the serial murder case.

Our protagonist appeared at this time, a pianist, the neighbor of the deceased, who witnessed the last half of the murder case, with strong curiosity, he decided to investigate clearly. There is also a tall and lovely beauty, Jaina, a reporter, who also wants to know the truth of the matter. So they cooperated with each other. Neither of them had a boyfriend or a girlfriend, so they also took pictures of each other and adjusted each other.

He knew that an author described the same way of death as his neighbor, so he wanted to inquire about it. She helped him find the address of the author, but he was listed first! The killer used extremely cruel methods to immerse her head in hot water and disfigured her! The pianist didn't know what the deceased's finger wall meant, so he asked his professor to see it. At that time, when the professor arrived, he asked the housekeeper who did it. The housekeeper said something that made me feel funny. She said,
"Of course it was a lunatic. Who else can there be? There are always many lunatics in this world," They just can't catch it!"

This makes me feel crazy-very active, cunning, and clever. . . Normal people can't help them.

Accompanied by serial murders, there are heart-pounding rock music with a distinct rhythm and children's songs that inevitably sound during murder. So the cute ballad became a conditioned reflex of horror, which had to admire the director's skill.

The story continues continuously, but let me be the most. . The most memorable and scary thing is the last. If you haven't read it yet, don't read this article. Watching a movie will be exciting if you keep watching it!
In the end, that murderer turned out to be an old lady who seemed amiable, the least suspicious and ordinary people didn't think she might become a murderer. How did she die, you know, it’s cruel that people are tied to the elevator with iron chains, it’s the kind of iron sliding door elevator, the pianist presses the elevator switch (otherwise the lady can do everything Come out), as the elevator rises, the chain is pulled tighter and tighter, clasping her throat tightly, tightly, until the chain crosses her throat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Deep Red quotes

  • Gianna Brezzi: I think that a woman's gotta be independent so she can...

    Marcus Daly: Oh, don't start with me about all that woman's stuff. It is a fundamental fact... men are different from women. Women are... weaker; well, they're gentler.

    Gianna Brezzi: They're what? Weaker? Gentler?

    [she howls in laughter - stops laughing, stands, unbuttons jacket, moves to the table, determinedly clearing it]

    Marcus Daly: What on earth are you doing?

    Gianna Brezzi: [sitting again and holding her arm up, wriggling her fingers] Come on, Tarzan. Why don't you try me?

    Marcus Daly: What's that?

    Gianna Brezzi: Arm wrestling.


    Gianna Brezzi: Come on. Then we'll see who's weaker!

    Marcus Daly: Oh, don't be ridiculous!

    Gianna Brezzi: You backing out?

  • Carlo: Look, maybe you've seen something so important you can't realize it.

    Marcus Daly: But... I'm just trying to understand, because...

    Carlo: You know, sometimes what you actually see and what you imagine... get mixed up in your memory like a cocktail... from which you can no longer distinguish one flavor from another.

    Marcus Daly: But I'm telling you the truth!

    Carlo: No, Marc. You think you're telling the truth, but in fact... you're telling only your version of the truth. It happens to me all the time.