when love is already past!

Kris 2022-01-10 08:01:11

The 23-year-old talented painter Dave and the 37-year-old successful professional woman Rafi, who had just divorced, met by chance through friends. The young and energetic Dave was attracted by Rafi's mature femininity and finally got the courage to date Rafi. Through the two people getting along, The young Dave brought happiness to Rafi that he had never had before. Under the encouragement of Rafi, Dave gradually found confidence and made clear the direction of life. Under the recommendation of Rafi, he sold his first work and started. Career.
But the age gap itself is a focal issue, and conflicts also arise in the process of getting along between the two. Rafi has his own apartment and has a stable life. Some are friends with successful careers, and Dave at the beginning Without work and life direction, most of friends are hairy guys
who are constantly changing girlfriends. The dead spot between them is: 37-year-old Rafi wants a baby, she doesn't have much time, but young Dave But they are unable to bear such a heavy responsibility. Even Rafi himself said to Dave: "You're in no place to give me what I need."
Although the focus of the two is on the issue of age, it also contains other factors, religion. Religion, race.... Put it in China, it may be your hometown and family background. Resistance from the family also makes the two of them stressed.
Out of love for us, our parents always try to base themselves on their own Experience tells us the decisions we should make, and they are often correct. But when we are young, we often pay attention to our own feelings, because if we don’t experience it ourselves, we don’t try, how can we know the joy and pain in it?
A year later, Dave and Rafi met in a restaurant on a snowy night. In the coming year, the workers were silent and smiled at each other through the glass. The smiles were sad and helpless, and more grateful, imaginable, in that year.
Here , the cotton team was in various difficulties, and the two eventually broke up. This is the plot of the movie "Youth Ripples". The English translation is: Prime
Prime has two meanings when it is a noun: 1. Buddha Xiao, spring, youth
The term " prime year" and "prime year" is a semantic pun, implying the characteristics of the male and female protagonists. One is vigorous and the other mature and stable.
In real life, we are often trapped by love. For reasons of this and other, we often cannot be in love with each other. When people are together, sometimes the beautiful woman who loves us opposes our love, and sometimes the one we love leaves us...
But when we say goodbye to love, we are not getting nothing. Maybe we should let go of an attachment My heart, like it said in the movie: We love, we learn, and we move on, and that's okay.

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Prime quotes

  • David Bloomberg: We're gonna have vacation sex tonight!

    Rafi Gardet: ... What is vacation sex, Dave?

    David Bloomberg: I don't know, but you're gonna get it, girl.

  • David Bloomberg: [dog barks at David and pepper spray is sprayed in his eyes from the collar] Ahhhh!

    Rafi Gardet: Oh, my God! Are you OK?

    David Bloomberg: Yeah, I think I'm blind.

    Rafi Gardet: Oh no, better call the pediatrician!