See you in the second season.

Thurman 2022-01-11 08:02:09

This drama is relatively niche, but the Peacock TV drama is still standing. I had known that there was a big hole at the end of the first season, so I was relieved to chase after I learned that the renewal of the second season was confirmed. The play sets are all online, and everyone feels like it’s lost, 4400, and so on. So it's no surprise. But with the advancement of associations, predictions and summons, some new clues and characters intervene, so that the audience can follow the protagonist to guess and go around. The time when the big pit left in the first season returns unconsciously = the length of time it disappears, so it means that the airplane person will die in five years. Diagonal lines are already the mysterious executives of the government, but from the holy grail, human experiments, etc., it seems that the crossing incident of flight 828 was not caused by zf. Zf is also looking for answers in other ways, and of course they have to use the answers. , Do not let the protagonist live normal life. At the same time, another clue was buried in the play, that is, the captain who drove the plane and led the scientist to repeat the same operations at the time. Although it was a "death-hunting" move, the captain said: "Who said we will die? You go to the future.” It can be seen that these two people disappeared into the black lightning in a plane, and it should have successfully crossed to 2024 five years later. This will meet again with the all-aircraft people who will die in 2024, and may be a key factor in the second season. The family ethics and feelings of this article are also biased, but overall it is boring. Although protecting the family is the motive of the male and female siblings to investigate the problem, the emotional scenes are filmed without tension. The second season should moderately reduce this procrastination. Technique. In short, the manifest is worth chasing, see you in the second season.

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