Very simple movie

Isai 2022-05-01 06:01:02

A very simple movie, from the beginning seems to be doomed to the end.
It's another movie about people with mental disabilities. The performance of Little Cuba Gooding is really wonderful. There are not a few lines, but the look of fear to dodge, the somewhat deformed movements, and the passionate and naive heart touched me. They are simple. , They are happy, they have happiness that we never had.
That worried coach worries about too many things. He cares, encourages, and helps the "radio", and silently assumes everything for him. Without him, nothing would happen.
People who have bullied radio, people who have looked down on radio, and people who have hated radio are finally deeply moved by radio. People's hearts are all fleshy!
The true feelings can touch everyone's hearts! This is the simplest theme of this movie.

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Extended Reading

Radio quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Radio: That's a goo' one!

  • Radio: [holding pants up to the phone for approval] How dese ones, Co' Jones?