Sherlock only

Derrick 2022-01-10 08:01:09

Is the copying of the lines of the original drama to respect the original? Or to increase the comic effect? ​​I think Shakespeare’s diehards will love this textbook-like
movie. It feels a bit strange to watch this movie after watching Constantine. Belief Only the person
involved will really understand what it feels like ... As early as the beginning of the movie, Antonio’s slobber, he knew what the director wanted to do.Sure enough, compared to Sherlock’s distinctive character, everyone else was eclipsed, maybe It is because of Al Pacino that people can no longer give their sight to others, even if it is Portia, who should be a symbol of bravery and wisdom, of course, her artificial and redundant performances are not all her fault, it is really the original work. The overwhelming plot and the classic and gorgeous lines did not give her much room for creation, and all the exaggerated performances of stage dramas appeared so funny and pale in the movie, especially at the end, about the bridge section of the ring, I got goose bumps. , Only Al Pacino's helpless eyes can not be dispelled in his mind. It is really terrifying to deprive one of one's faith (but it is also a pitiful thing to talk about faith in a country where there is almost no faith... .) Regarding faith, I am dull, but I really haven’t figured out what the film wants to say, anti-Semitism? Or introspection?...
In short, the film is just to prove Al Pacino’s acting godfather-like myth. Status, as well as Shamou's writing skills... Exclude the above two, don't look at it

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The Merchant of Venice quotes

  • Shylock: He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million, laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and what's his reason? I am a Jew.

  • Tubal: Yes, other men have ill luck too. Antonio, as I heard in Genoa...

    Shylock: What, what, what? ill luck, ill luck?

    Tubal: ...hath an argosy cast away, coming from Tripolis.

    Shylock: I thank God! I thank God!