It's okay to take a look and relax

Madonna 2022-08-08 20:11:49

Don't adapt to others, just be the most authentic yourself. In fact, this view is reflected in many movies, so the possibility of wanting to stand out from many movies is not very great. I don't know what a bad movie is, but I think bad movie will make people look down on it, but this movie is not very boring. I think his innovative software in the movie is also used in real life and close to life. His initial idea was also correct. He wanted to try different character settings so that he could know what he was more suitable for, but he didn't find it in the end. His emotional line inside, although the ending can be guessed from the beginning, he still told me that the person who really fits is the one who is in step.

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The Perfect Date quotes

  • Brooks Rattigan: Would you like to dance?

    [stretches his hand out]

    Celia Lieberman: [looks down at his hand, looks up and smile] No. No, I wouldn't.

    Brooks Rattigan: Why not?


    Celia Lieberman: 'Cause I'm not your backup.

  • Brooks Rattigan: Why is nobody dancing? What, is dancing just a poor person thing now?

    Celia Lieberman: You think actually people go to dance to dance?

    Brooks Rattigan: No, they come here to take photos for their Instagram.