Sinking and Awakening-"Ondskan"

Alberto 2022-01-07 15:54:53

Text / Old City

I overthrew the definition of a road
I smashed the shackles of layers of
hearts left
in ruins caught the attention
but I stood up and
stood on the vast horizon
no one, no means
can I Push it down again.

——Shu Ting [the voice of a generation]

Persistence and awakening——[Ondskan]

My concept of the world is second only to the long track in front of me. What I hold fast to is the sense of escape from the scent of the earth and the shuttle in the air particles A sense of peeling, but both of these feelings are exceptionally hard to find and exceptionally rare.

In [Sin] (Ondskan), Eric leaves the family to pursue another guilty place without the pleasure of mine, but erratic hesitation and hesitation. In fact, to put it bluntly, my pleasure is when I take the train and leave the ancient city where I have lived for more than 20 years, to a place close to the end of the sea. It’s hard to say how much courage and helplessness will be involved in parting, and it’s also hard to say how much decay will be washed away from me in a foreign land. However, when I return to this land that I once parted and once worshipped, it will be courage, helplessness or decay. They all seem to have been left in the distance, just as in [Hiroshima mon amour] (Hiroshima mon amour), when the reality is lost in the memories of another time and space, it is only for the pursuit, escape, pain, and suddenness. My friend said that I would faint happily when I saw the railroad tracks. However, this bliss is not so short-lived, at least I can touch its outline from the images of [sin].

In fact, Eric has always chosen to sink, even though he vowed to stick to this boarding school, even though he stubbornly told his roommate that this profession will make his life no longer boring. However, there are always things in the world that you don't want to be contaminated and you have to indulge in them. Some people say that it is violence. I also like to speak with my fist at Eric's age. In [Dream Analysis] Freud attributed the violence of adolescence to the outburst of male sexual desire, just like the lingering greed and selfishness of human beings. However, the gang of seniors in the film have stronger sexual desires than the bastards who were born in [Volcano High School]. Their wanton swaying of sins left stains of blood, and the sense of superiority and ignorance is just as unreasonable.

Therefore, Eric chose to resist and fight against sin. Nietzsche once said: "Those who fight the devil must be careful that they become the devil in the fight. When you look into the abyss, the abyss is also watching you." Eric kept resisting. Falling into a deeper abyss, the seniors used a set of combined punches in the cafeteria to leave bright marks on his face. The bitterly cold night seniors baptized Eric with hot hot water and cold ice water again and again, but the torture seemed to be It continued indefinitely, and intensified its transfer to his friends and lovers. His only friend at school, Pierre, was beaten unsightly and dropped out of school. His beloved waitress Maria was also forced to leave. School. Not only that, Eric, who returned home, was beaten by his stepfather because he didn’t get an A for his “behavior”. Just like the devil-swinging whip in David Lynch’s short film [Lumiere], he shattered his last touch of the world. Fantasy, the faith and persistence he once looked up to fell quickly like a soul shelling.

In [Youth Nezha], Cai Mingliang explores the ethical entanglement between the two generations and the unspeakable obsession of the youth world in the indifferent and vain streets of Taipei with a realistic and gloomy tone in [Youth Nezha]. The rebellion of youth is interpreted as loss, degeneration, and sinking . In Truffet’s [Four Hundred Strikes], whether Anthony chooses to conform to the survival rules of this traditional society, or chooses to break the old order to achieve self-identity, the ending will be unstoppable failure and sinking, just like Anthony’s teacher said That way, "The miserable France is your future." When I thought that this film would end with the same indescribable and the same distressed head, [Guin] changed the tone and reawakened the last conscience of this world with a tough awakening.

Eric's arm stopped at the moment he lifted the stick to the senior, and the flood that broke the embankment was instantly stagnated. At this time, the boy's violence has shifted to introverted forgiveness, and Yu Yu has transformed into a sense of life, with a light smile like a dragonfly, leaving him free and easy. The subsequent process of the film is that this misty school was resolved by a lawyer's complaint, and the child Eric also successfully completed his last year of high school life here. A few years later, he chose his favorite career as a lawyer. Although he was only working in a law firm, this after all carried his hope for the future. Cycling is the beginning of hope and the totem of awakening.

Speaking of awakening, [Fucking Amour] (Fucking Amour) also gave us hope for awakening. Breaking through the surveillance of external morals and ethics, the two girls tasted each other's beauty instead of pleasure, lingering. I don't know how much this hope is for us. At least bravely admitting a love and assuming a responsibility shows that awakening is no longer as illusory as the fantasy. The 04 Argentine movie [圣女] (The Holy Girl) also left a faint aftertaste at the end. The two girls cruising in blue licked each other green, like a new green leaf on a withered poplar. , The face is refreshing and refreshing.

In fact, the end of the film is a tribute to Truffet's [four hundred strikes]. At the end, Eric is advancing on the trajectory toward the future with hopes and dreams. This is in stark contrast to the confusion and helplessness that Anthony appeared after running to the sea among the criss-cross beach traces in [Four Hundred Strikes]. The film seems to be It is a different interpretation of "adolescent rebellion". It makes us vaguely see a faint light in the darkness of the night, and grabs a sliver of life-saving grass on the way to fall into the black hole of the dead.

This may be the awakening from sinking.

04/11/14 3:16 Published on January 2005 [Watching Movie]

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Evil quotes

  • Headmaster: There is only one word for people like you, and that is "evil"

  • Erik Ponti: [to a rival, seated next to him] Strange. Can anyone smell shit? Shit, I smell shit.

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