Trailer Park Boys (Trailer Park Boys) two or three things

Dagmar 2022-10-01 19:21:00

Trailer Park Boys filming methods are the same as another classic comedy: The Office, which is a pseudo-documentary, pretending to be a team and filming next to the protagonists. The super online performances performed by the actors are all old dramas polished in the theater, and you can feel the full sense of the scene when you open an episode.

Its life experience is quite legendary. It was shot from 2001 to 2007. After a total of seven seasons, films, short films, and TV movies were shot successively. After the series was interrupted for 7 years, 2014 was picked up by Netflix and shot for another 3 seasons. 10 seasons are now, plus the 11th season scheduled for 2017. (So ​​if you watch the first season and find that the pace is very slow, remember that this is a 2001 episode)

The story background of the series is in a place called Sun Valley Trailer Park in the Canadian countryside. This is a place where people who can’t afford a house can settle down by paying rent and dragging a carriage. Of course, this place is a dragon. Snakes, um, basically only snakes. Among the crowds of snakes, the three old boys in the album grew up here, learned bad things together, smoked marijuana and sold marijuana together, worked as thieves and cheated them together, and then got embarrassed together every season. By the end of the season, the mistakes will accumulate and become a big mistake. I was caught in jail for a few months. Anyway, the sentence in Canada was lighter. At the beginning of the next season, he was released to continue doing other oolongs.

This kind of nonsense comedy, watching people keep making stupidity and troubles the upper body, is really overwhelming, but watching the stupidity and troubles in the trailer boy park, I laughed and felt a little sad at the same time, because In such an environment, the characters have not even graduated from high school, have no permanent property, live in a trailer, not even a trailer, sleep in a car without a door, and eat a pack of potato chips when they wake up. Smoke marijuana, smoke and drink, do not leave your body, you must start with Fxxx, always do some senseless stupid things, and when you think they should regret when retribution comes, they can give more stupid reasons to convince yourself and let yourself It's better by yourself.

However, although I can't laugh or cry while watching it, I also realize that many people are not doing this and are doing what they don't know. But in fact, the stupid things that others see are just the authorities.

The curiosity of the plot of this drama is really very high. I rarely see that comedy can be so infinite but so self-made and polarized. Comedy can be played for marijuana, picking up a submachine gun and starting a gunfight. , Or two supporting characters as the story progresses, let you discover that these two are originally male and male couples, and they love to play Cosplay, and even in the end they become a threesome with one woman and two men living under the same roof. One of the men also finds himself It's bisexuality. It makes another female character pregnant, and even the policeman is also gay, but all of this is so straightforward, just like its documentary filming method, with a surprisingly objective method. Present it to you without any circumvention.

This film is not pretend at all, it can be said to be a great comedy, but it has not been well-known in China. It is highly recommended to those big boys. Look at the trailer park boy.

Ricky, Bubbles & Julian

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Extended Reading

Trailer Park Boys quotes

  • Ricky: The thing with kids and growings and getting learnings and stuff is that... You can't lie to them. Basically, if you wanna tell the children they can't do something they're gonna want to do it more. When I was young I did all kinds of crazy shit and I turned out wicked. That's because my dad was fuckin' cool, he let me do shit. I was allowed to drive his car around the park, basically took my dirt bike to school, let me grow dope in his shed in grade 7. You know, that's what good parenting is all about. You gotta let them have a bit of freedom.

  • Ricky: [talking about the gay bar] Well, I wasn't one who really fucking noticed anything out of the ordinary but they were requesting songs like Madonna and that which is fucking awesome, but it was Julian who noticed something really fucking weird.