This world is so beautiful, it is worth fighting for. I only agree with the second half sentence.

Jonas 2022-08-07 18:24:45

It tells the story of a Colombian girl, Maria, who used her body to sell drugs (to swallow packets of drugs). The slogan of the film is Based on 1000 true stroies.

Thousands of girls like Maria risked death and embarked on a flight to America, just to change their destiny. What are they waiting for? they do not know. In the film, Maria is a 17-year-old girl who was born in a small Colombian village. She was unwilling to simply repetitive work and bad environment. She met Franklin, a drug dealer by chance, and her life was about to change. In the film, Maria asks Lucy, who has "visited" New York twice, what about America? Lucy all yearned to say that it was beautiful and tidy... Maybe it was this sentence that prompted Maria to make up her mind and embark on this unpredictable road.

Maria was pregnant with Liujia and came to the United States with 62 bags of heroin. After all kinds of hardships, Maria finally got back the money that should belong to her. When she was about to set foot home, it was Lucy's sister Cara. After a few words, Maria decided not to go back, because Kara told her that there is always hope that there is always such an opportunity, for the sake of the child she decided to stay, no matter how difficult it is. Perhaps this is the "topic" that the film wants the audience to think about, what attracts thousands of girls like Maria on such a "journey", and what keeps them behind.

I remembered the monologue of the old Detective in Seven (Earnest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine," Hemingway said: This world is so beautiful, and it is worth fighting for. I only agree with the second half." (Earnest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I believe the second part.)

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Maria Full of Grace quotes

  • María Álvarez: I think I'm pregnant

    Juan: You want to get married?

    María Álvarez: Do you love me?

    Juan: [annoyed] Don't start on that.

    María Álvarez: [mad] You're going to marry someone you don't love?

  • María Álvarez: How many times have you done this?

    Lucy Díaz: Two.

    María Álvarez: How did it go?

    Lucy Díaz: Here I am.