Out of control documentary, unexpected work

Ron 2022-09-17 09:45:25

You used to ride the wings given by fate
Fly high-far away from the earth and hills...
But the inner impulse indulges unruly
You flew too high and you encountered a fireball.
You have left the earth and fly high
The hot sun kisses your wings
Melted and you fell into the stormy sea
The sea-save yourself Icarus!
In Greek mythology, Icarus flew to the sun with his wax wings melted

This year’s Oscar’s best documentary was awarded to [Icarus].

The story also starts with Lance Armstrong .

Director Brian Fogel is an amateur cyclist, Lance , who defeated cancer and made a comeback, is his hero.

But one day, the hero fell from the altar and changed his body, but he was just a liar using forbidden drugs.

Bryan thinks Lance is "Icarus"-with inflated ambitions that ultimately hurts himself.

Before his teammates confessed, Lance Armstrong admitted that he was taking banned drugs

Before that, Lance reiterated his innocence many times:

"I have done 150 drug tests in the past six years, inside and outside the game, at home, during the game, at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. The results were all negative."

After long-term drug use, nearly 500 drug tests were taken, but it was never detected.

Brian decided to challenge the entire drug test system in his own way.


Turning point

How to do it?

Still use your favorite bicycle.

Under the supervision of scientists, the medication plan is implemented. Participate in a seven-day amateur bicycle race, pass the drug test, and squeeze into the top ten.

At the same time, it was recorded in the form of a documentary , proving that the entire system was a joke.

Producer Dan Cogan was attracted.

"No one cares how Lance Armstrong passed the test, (Brian) will get attention to this process."

Dan Cogan and Brian Fogel

The next step is to contact reliable scientists.

The interested founder of the Olympic Lab, taking into account his reputation , withdrew from the plan.

It is recommended that Grigory Rodchenkov, the director of the Olympic Lab in Moscow, join in.

Left is Grigory Rodchenkov

The next step is to get in touch and follow the "doctor's advice."

Brian participated in the competition and passed the drug test, but his results were not satisfactory.

The story has come to an end.

Unexpectedly, Brian and Dan, something unexpected happened.

It is also because of a documentary called [How Russia Became a Big Winner].

[How Russia became a big winner] It was revealed that Russia collectively used banned drugs and was supported by the state. Grigory was the central figure

Grigory is "the only person who is lethal to both sides-Russia and WADA (anti-drug organization)".

WADA established an independent investigation team and concluded that the documentary was true.

It was also confirmed that this was a government-led collective drug use. The Russian authorities denied it and regarded Grigory , who knew everything, as a thorn in the eye.

Russian Sports Minister denies the findings, Russia formally sues Grigory

Dan and Brian decided to help Grigory.

Brian helped Grigory book a round-trip ticket in the United States, and Dan contacted a lawyer.

"Contact a lawyer to find out what he did. It's not just making a movie, the situation is quite tense. No one knows what will happen."

The protagonist of the film also changed from Brian to Grigory.

A personal drug experiment has evolved into a three-year investigation.

Exposing the biggest sports scandal in history: Russia's decades-long state-funded drug operation.

Dan believes that the power of documentary is here- telling us the truth under high pressure.


It’s out of control, it’s also sublimation

[Icarus] Is the truth recorded?

In view of the long history of mutual blackmail between the United States and Russia, the truth is confusing and we do not know.

But obviously, it was after Brian exited the spotlight that Grigory's story made [Icarus] a god.

Brian lost control of the story that started with Lance Armstrong .

The documentary is called a record, but it's not just a record.

The process and impact often exceed expectations.

"Father of Documentary Film" Flahadi, loves life and admires nature. I spent 16 months traveling to the North Pole to photograph the life of the Nanuk family of Eskimos.

[Nanuk in the North]: Nanuk uses a harpoon to hunt the walrus

At that time, the Eskimos had given up their harpoons and switched to hunting walruses with rifles.

Vlahadi rejected the "invasion" of modern civilization and asked Nanuk to pick up his harpoon again.

The first documentary [Nanuk of the North] was completed, and the audience was shocked by the resistance and love that humans showed before extreme weather.

After Vlahadi left, the family was unable to store enough food to survive the winter due to filming, and all starved to death.

How ironic.

A documentary film far away from the pure land of modern civilization was completed, at the cost of the death of the main actors. The cause of death is precisely the symbol of modern civilization-the presence of movies.

[Rolling Stone----Give me a refuge] by the Messos brothers about a concert.

The Rolling Stones' tour of the United States in 1969 is one of the most infamous stories in rock music history.

The scene was completely out of control and became a disaster.

The speeding party organization "Hells Angels" (Hells Angels) was hired as a security guard. There were constant conflicts and chaos on the stage.

[Rolling Stone——Give me a refuge]: "Hell Angels" member beats a fan

Finally, a young black man showed his genitals a few steps away from the stage, and the "hell angel" stabbed him alive with a sharp knife.

All this was captured by the camera. The concert became a murder scene and a microcosm of the social unrest in the 1960s and 1970s in the United States.

The documentary [New York Scourge] directly caught the real culprit.

The 73-year-old New York billionaire Robert Dusit, whose ex-wife has disappeared, his close friend has been killed, and his neighbor has been mutilated . And he has never been charged.

Now, his good fortune is over.

[New York Scourge] The microphone has not been turned off yet, Robert's self-talk reveals the facts of the crime

Three murders have been pending for many years.

HBO Television Network also has no intention of solving the case. But the truth, just like this, I was caught off guard.

The core of the documentary is truth, and the truth is used to trigger the audience to think.

The out-of-control documentary itself is a dramatic presentation of real life.

And it is this uncertain world of light and shadow that is more thought-provoking.


Text: Van Schmer

The article comes from WeChat public account: movie detoxification

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Extended Reading

Icarus quotes

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involves the use of doublethink. I was doing in parallel two things which cancelled out each other and being fully contradictory. Doping and anti-doping.

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: He wrote book. It is dangerous to write book in Russia.