Young people who steal airplanes, young people who steal books, they just don't want to live an ordinary life!

Monroe 2022-01-07 15:53:42

Today’s opening may be very long, and you may not have the patience to read it, but I think everything is worth it.

"It's the space age now. People can go to the moon, but they can never explore the universe in people's hearts." In fact, it's not that we can't explore the human heart, but we don't want to spend this time. We are pushed by hot spots one after another, repeating our own values ​​to make judgments, we judge ourselves, protect ourselves, and exclude others.

There was a piece of news recently that was bizarre and sensational, and it passed quickly. A young man with a family in Seattle stole a small plane from the airport, sailed around the sea for dozens of minutes, and finally fell on an uninhabited island. He did not survive.

This young man named Richard Russell had no motivation or warning before. He was doing baggage handling work at the airport. The airplane driving skills was a tutorial he found on the Internet.

Outsiders' evaluations of him are very gentle and friendly, and his family members are completely unable to understand his approach. Later, he announced the conversation he had with the staff of the control tower when he was flying the plane, and maybe it would give us a little bit of his inner world at the time: the commander of the tower has been patiently helping him find a place to land, and he said several things, one is , Very frustrated with my current state,

I know that many people care about me, and they will be disappointed if they know that I have done such a thing. I want to apologize to each of them. I'm just a broken person, I guess I don't know where a few screws are loose. I didn't realize it before, but just figured it out.

Second, I mentioned that I wanted to see that whale-this is another news from Seattle. An orca whale swimming in the sea with the carcass of its cub on its back for 17 days before deciding to let it go.

Two previously unrelated news are connected in a peculiar way. Someone commented on Weibo,

"We always have unfinished dreams, unfinished love".

Finally, Richard Russell said:

I don’t know how to land, but I didn’t plan to land.

Then, the sound disappeared, and the plane crashed into the forest on the island.

In the dialogue between Richard Russell and the control tower, he has always emphasized that "I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to make a mess here." Unlike most domestic online channels, some people in foreign countries call Richard Russell Space Cowboy.

Most people in the country questioned his mental state, believing it was a "terrorist attack", and "pretending to be in New York" said:

When faced with the death of another life, my first reaction was not calculation, but sympathy; I didn’t think about how much his actions had caused others to lose, but I wanted to know what caused a certain root in his heart. The string broke suddenly. But no one in this world can rush into Richard Russell's heart and find out what he really thought at the time.

Whether it's the young man who stole the plane in Seattle or the whale that wandered with the body of a dead child on the 17th, they all have an obsession with a strong heart, although the counterpart may be lonely and empty. Spirit, but for outsiders, we should first understand, then be considerate, lament the passing of life, and then try to walk into the heart of the other person instead of imposing accusations at the beginning.

Everyone has a moment of "out of control". For example, this new American high-scoring film-"American Animals" (American Animals).

The young man who stole the plane in Seattle, the obsessive whale, and the teenagers who were lost in the film had a wonderful "resonance". Moreover, through editing and narration, it is possible for us to walk into the hearts of the teenagers in the film. , Perceive the real thoughts of the space cowboy and the whale.

"American Animals" draws you into the whirlpool of narrative from the very beginning, "this is not adapted from real events, this is real", be careful, often the beginning of such magical realism is bluffing.

The most powerful part of "American Animals", even through pseudo-documentaries, constantly polishes the "truth" itself. In the end, it doesn't matter what the truth is, what matters is what we are willing to believe!

The film revolves around the bizarre story of four American college students Spencer, Warren, Eric, and Chas trying to steal a collection of books worth tens of millions in the university library.

Spencer and Warren had lived an ordinary college life, but they were stunned by a collection of books. Spencer made a half-joking suggestion to steal this loosely guarded treasure, "a great benefit" and change the current state of life.

Warren took it as a joke at first, and neither of them explained nor resisted. Just under each other's half-push and half-push, things got to the uncontrollable extreme. Spencer and Warren actually started planning to steal books, and invited reliable friends Eric and Chas,

Each of the four perform their duties and prepare to do a great job. The lives of the four teenagers have undergone earth-shaking changes. "American Animals" plays a big role in narrative, making an already thrilling story even more tense. In terms of narrative strategy, "American Animals" is more extreme than "I, Tonya".

Documentary elements are blatantly inserted into the mainline narrative. Even at the beginning, they hinted at the end of everyone's "book stealing". The appearance of the four adult "young" deities, coupled with the provocative emotions of their parents.

Let the film shuttle back and forth between the news documentary and artistic processing, the boundaries of reality and fiction are constantly blurred, and the audience is completely trapped in the story vortex of the director and the screenwriter.

At this time, the so-called truth has become ambiguous. The director used editing and an asymmetric structure to allow two or more characters to tell the same thing in different ways, and then put their respective narrations into the narrative, so we saw such an interesting scene:

Spencer and Warren went to see the matchmaker who had written off for the first time. The face of the matchmaker and the color of the scarf were completely different in their memories.

The film shows the memories of Spencer and Warren successively,

In the end, Spencer even suspected that Warren hadn't seen the docking person at all. Warren had fabricated the experience that could be written off in order to let the book theft plan be implemented step by step. The two also had different opinions on who first proposed to "pirate books".

"American Animals" uses the documentary form to pierce the needle, the overall rhythm is so cool, the form is so cool that it is difficult to fight, the truth and fiction are perfectly blended into the story, making the audience dizzy.

"I, Queen of Flowers" has an obvious narrative bias, deliberately revealing the traces of each plot point in order to force the director's inner view of the truth into the audience's mind. "American Animals" is just the opposite. Its purpose is not the truth, but focuses on experience. It even maintains sympathy for the crimes of the four teenagers. The romantic treatment of the climax can show the director's attitude on the matter.

Of course, the film is not simply to clean up the behavior of the four teenagers. On the day of the implementation of "Book theft", the director also took the contrast of the two actions. For the first time, he prepared meticulously and was full of style, and finally escaped;

For the second time, the dead horse was a living horse doctor, and the chickens flew around, showing the stupidity and jerkyness of the four people everywhere.

With the wonderful performances and atmosphere created by the actors, the sense of tension and anxiety can be compared to last year's "Genius sought". It makes people sweaty palms and restless.

After the book stealing, the film's narrative rhythm suddenly slowed down, and the theme began to close quietly. Why did the four teenagers go to "pirate books"? The film uses multiple transitions to show the teenagers' vacillation about whether to implement the plan. Among them, the scene in which Warren was called to talk by the principal because he skipped too much class is quite crucial. It was the moment when Warren became the most obsessive central figure in the team's heart to change.

Depressed social life, seeing the future of the head at a glance,

Let the adventure of "theft of books" become a life-changing straw for him. "I started training when I was 5 years old, but I still haven't figured out why I want to train." The principal had the opportunity to persuade, maybe it could change the direction of things, but the principal brutally ended the conversation, pushing Warren to another dangerous road in his life.

In fact, this is the same as people's superficial view of the Seattle man who steals the plane. They didn't try to get into each other's heart and figure out what motivated them to do this. If someone stands up at that critical moment, persuades, persuades, or just talks as a solution, it will have variables in the direction of things.

Maybe the youth in Seattle will not steal a plane to fulfill their dreams. Maybe one day he will be able to fly a plane qualified and legally, travel the sky and forget the troubles; maybe the four teenagers in Kentucky will find themselves faster Dreams, implement them, such as the brush that Spencer has never put down,

For example, Chas, who are keen on fitness, actually have their own clear goals. This is a moment when they are blinded by desire, confused, walking crookedly, and wasting their youth.

"American Animals" uses documentary techniques and multiple interludes to allow viewers to understand the ins and outs of events from multiple aspects from an omniscient perspective, so that they can make clear judgments and have a more comprehensive understanding of the characters. When people blindly evaluated and suspected the Seattle young man who stole airplanes, those views were just another resurrection of self-stereotyped stereotypes.

Don't rush to evaluate a person, one thing, because from your evaluation, the first thing we can see is your own qualities and accomplishments, not anything else.

Give up self-prejudice and try to walk into the hearts of others. Perhaps we can become "nobles" who change each other's life.

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Extended Reading

American Animals quotes

  • Spencer: Do you ever wonder, you ended up being born. You, here, and not someone else? Do you ever feel like you're waiting for something to happen, but you don't know what it is? But, it's, that thing that could, um, make your life special.

    Warren Lipka: Like what?

    Spencer: Exactly. "Like what?"

  • Warren Lipka: Look, all I'm saying is that nothing will happen, unless you make something happen. We're supposed to be hunter-gatherers, man. And our whole life, we're just unwrapping shit. Packaging, packaging, packaging. The illusion of choice. It's bullshit, man. Everyone in here thinks that they're gonna win the lottery, but no one likes a ticket.