The tragic love of Jack and Audrey

Dayne 2022-09-12 19:02:20

The most painful thing in the entire 24-hour series is the love between Jack and Audrey. Audrey was the first woman Jack's wife fell in love with after her death (the woman in the second season is just a little ambiguous and can't talk about love). When the fourth season just started, the two people were already in love. They have been together for a few months. It was really abrupt to be together like this at the beginning, and I didn’t like this new protagonist’s love partner. After all, they were in love with their boss. Daughter’s love always feels like convenience and conflict created by the plot. Audrey was Jack's only emotional drama in the absence of KIM throughout the fourth season, but she was really not optimistic about this woman. Then after the end of the fourth season, which is the end of Jack's death (fake death) on this day, Audrey really thought that Jack was dead, so the love between the two of them ended, and Audrey really faced the pain of the death of his lover.

At the beginning of the fifth season, Jack was crushed by his neighbor’s mother. He thought he was going to start a normal life together again. The move on, but the situation forced Jack to resurrect, so he finally reunited with Audrey, although it was in a crisis-ridden situation. Down, but after all, the lovers who thought they were dead have been resurrected and reunited. However, it has only been a few hours since the reunion, and I still have to come to have sex, finally resolved the crisis, thinking that he was finally going to be together, but Jack was kidnapped secretly, I don't even know who kidnapped him.

In the sixth season, the time interval between the two seasons is 20 months, that is, during the 20 months that Jack was tortured, when almost everyone gave up Jack, Audrey has been looking for Jack for 20 months. To know that at the end of the fifth season, they don’t know who kidnapped Jack. Basically, there is no clue. Of course, Chole and some other people will provide a lot of support, but it was Audrey who went to the mainland of China alone and was arrested. As the daughter of the Minister of Defense, she has suffered a mental breakdown. When he was finally rescued by Jack, he could not recognize Jack or anyone at all, and could only repeat one sentence repeatedly. I really broke my heart when I saw there. At the end of the sixth season, at the end of the day, Audrey's father forbade Jack to see his daughter again, and Jack reluctantly parted.

A few years later, in the ninth season, Audrey has recovered and remarried, and his father has become president. When I heard that the ninth season was restarting, I really wanted to see Audrey again. Okay, I finally got my wish, so happy. So I have been expecting them to see each other again. And when Audrey sees Jack again, what husband, dad, just see Jack, even without Jack's request, Audrey will still do anything for Jack, sacrifice everything for him. No matter how much time it takes to heal, once you see Jack, it doesn't matter. When the golden wind and jade dew meet, they win but countless in the world. So, in the end, Audrey died miserably.

Jack can sacrifice everything for national security, and Audrey can sacrifice everything for Jack.

According to the time in the play, from Audrey's perspective, Audrey met his father's men, met and fell in love, only a few months ago, and then suddenly one day, the crisis was perilous, and after the crisis was resolved, his lover Jack died. Audrey grieves his lover’s death for half a year (I can’t remember it, it seems that the time interval between the fourth and fifth seasons is half a year), then Jack unexpectedly resurrected, happily complained for several hours, and also had to deal with terrorist attacks and To appease the relationship between lover Jack and his daughter, after finally dealing with these messy things, a turned head Jack disappeared mysteriously, without any clues. So it took several months to desperately search for clues, and finally came up with clues that Jack might be kidnapped to China, but the country did not believe that it would not send anyone, so he could only go to China to find someone on his own. Kidnapped. After being tortured for a few months, I was tortured to the point of being unconscious, and I didn't know anyone after being rescued. Then it took a few years to finally recover and remarry. One day, I went to London with my dad on a business trip. I accidentally ran into Jack. Before the old relationship could rekindle, I asked him to do all kinds of things to help Jack. In the end, he even took his own life.

It can only be said that Jack and Audrey are really the most miserable couple. Only a few months together, and then in the next few years, only a few hours in the span of 3 days, and finally Audrey died because of this.

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