Hmm, Citizen Four from Tiyukou

Jessyca 2022-10-01 23:00:30

It’s amazing how I got so many permissions when I went to the production. Just like Grigory himself later said, this is a kind of irony in itself. A high-level person involved in doping has become a person who reveals all of this, no matter what he is based on. Purpose, to save oneself or conscience discovered that this Snowden-style approach at least stunned the audience of this documentary.

Whether it is Citizen Four or Icarus, it is not easy to maintain such a close relationship with the subject, especially the subject who will seriously affect personal reputation and even safety once exposed. It feels very difficult to be able to follow the shoot. Although there may indeed be factors that help each other, one party helps to make the documentary successfully, and the other party helps in its safety and other operations. I don't know that Grigory had anticipated all this when he decided to help the Fogel bike race cheat. The director starts the whole story with his own actions. Some personal diary shots feel more convincing than objective shots. The combination of Skype recording and camera is great (... Iphone can also record screens now), I'm curious except How many cameras are used outside of Interview.

I feel the importance of empty mirrors and emotional shots, which can provide extra support for the narration of the soundtrack. The later Title is also very good for the connection and description of the entire event.

I really like the subsequent paragraphs and the use of 1984 in each paragraph.

There is also Grigory's love for dogs, these two lines are extra points for the overall feeling of the story.

Compared with Citizen Four, the camera is several levels better, so the situation should be more relaxed and not so nervous.

I am seriously curious that some shotguns used for shots still hide lav...

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Icarus quotes

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involves the use of doublethink. I was doing in parallel two things which cancelled out each other and being fully contradictory. Doping and anti-doping.

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: He wrote book. It is dangerous to write book in Russia.