Exposing the darkness of human nature very realistically.

Davonte 2022-01-06 08:02:30

Then I will talk about the second season, which exposes the social reality with dark tones. Compared with the first season, the second season exposes the darkness of human nature even more.

There is still a particularly eye-catching story in the second season, Bai Xiong. I remember this story too clearly. I don't know what I can say after watching it. After watching it, I feel that no one can be trusted. Everyone is dark. The heroine woke up from a coma and found herself in an unfamiliar room and lost her memory. Then she ran to the street to ask for help and found that everyone was taking pictures of themselves with their mobile phones, ignoring their calls for help at all, and became The target of a masked man was forced to run. She met a "good guy" on the road and took her to escape. Gradually, she found that the "good guy" wanted to kill herself, but also found that she was not a good person at all, and the heroine was about to collapse. What's wrong with this? ! Finally, when she was tied and sat in the middle of the stage, everything finally became clear. She killed someone and was being tried, and the people holding the mobile phone were tourists. This is a tourism project for tourists, try yourself! Tourists can reach this trial by giving money. When night falls, the tourists have finished their journey, but the heroine cannot end. The trial will go on, because at night, the organizer will keep the heroine in the same position and use electric shocks to make her amnesia, repeating it forever To escape trial, this is the punishment for her.

This story is really a bit heavy. Murders should be tried by the court. Those who are talking about trying criminals are doing the same crimes as the heroine. Sinners cannot try the criminals! However, no one thinks it is wrong. The visitors of the organizer take it for granted that they feel that they are the righteous party. This is very sad. The heavy thing is not that you have done something wrong and cannot be corrected, but that you will never have the opportunity to change.

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Be Right Back quotes

  • Martha: See, Ash would've been scared. He wouldn't have just leapt off, he would have been crying...

    Ash: [starts crying] Please don't make me do it. No.

    Martha: That's not fair.

  • Martha: Don't call me your administrator.