24 hours, so tired

Fay 2022-12-14 11:01:31

It is written purely for fun.

All the American dramas and British dramas I chased together did not torture me more than this "24 Hours" (Oh, yes, "Prison Break" is a match for it, I was crazy when I chased it halfway through the second season), eight seasons plus one season 12 The episodes of "Live One More Day" and 1 episode of "Redemption", 205 episodes before and after, I saw that the third season began to collapse, and I started to watch it in the fifth season, but I gave up in the eighth season, not because it was not good-looking , But the general plot of all seasons is that Jack is chasing terrorists in the front and the government is chasing Jack in the back. Almost all the people he cares about are killed, and he is betrayed by his own people and asked to sacrifice. But his company is in the true sense. There is no resistance or anger, even if he is not tired, the person I watch is also tired.

Only the President of the United States can be compared with Jack. Although they are often the ones who stabbed Jack in the back, their fate is no better than Jack. The six presidents before and after are almost ruined even if they are not dead. . After watching "24 Hours", I feel that the president of the United States is really a high-risk profession, and he doesn't make a lot of money. You have to pay for the election campaign. This is probably the reason why fewer and fewer Americans are participating in presidential elections, right? Jack's merits in the

first season

: Saved Senator David Palmer (presidential candidate, president in the second season and third season)

Jack's loss: lost his beloved wife and unborn child

President: this season No incumbent president appeared in the

second season

Jack’s Merit: Saved Los Angeles and avoided the third world war

Jack’s losses: No more serious losses other than a few minutes after his death (this is an easier day for him)

President: David Palmer (relatively upright, but sometimes rushed to the doctor, and eventually destroyed in the hands of his ex-wife) in the

third season

Jack's merits: once again saved Los Angeles (Los Angeles is so poor)

Jack's loss: lost the past His lover, was forced to kill Chapel (a good man), was forced to cut off the left hand of his prospective son-in-law, and became addicted to work

President: David Palmer (forced to step down at the end of the season, assassinated at the beginning of the fifth season) Jack's merits in the

fourth season

: Saved the United States

Jack's loss: was abandoned by his lover Audrey, indirectly killed and saved himself A life rival, betrayed by his own government and forced to feign death to escape.

President: Kohler (was bombed from Air Force One in half the season and lost his son. He is not dead but disabled)

Logan (the vice president is on top, I would rather A shameless villain who hurts himself and others. In the seventh season, he committed suicide in order to kill Jack, but he did not die.) In the

fifth season,

Jack’s feats: saved Chloe (Jack's life and death friend in CTU) and pulled Logan

Loss of Jack’s presidency : He was forced to personally kill his co-worker Curtis who had died together. He lost his good friends David, Michel, and Tony (not dead), and was arrested to the

President of China : Logan (Ji Finally under house arrest, his wife abandoned him and stabbed him with a knife in the sixth season, but he was immortal) Jack's feat in the

sixth season

: Saved his nephew, saved the United States and the world from the nuclear war

Jack's loss : Lost his father and brother (although they are all bad guys), his lover Audrey was crazy but he could not protect her, and fled again.

President: Wayne Palmer (assassinated in half the season, seriously injured, not dead, but caused by work Permanent brain damage)

Vice President Daniel (without being formally sworn in, his lover slept with others behind his back and became a traitor)

24 Hours: Redemption (just one episode, in order to undertake the plot of the sixth and seventh seasons)

Jack’s merits: rescued a group of poor children from the dictator.

Jack’s loss: lost good friends. In order to allow the children to go to the United States, he was voluntarily sent back to the country (it is equivalent to being betrayed by the government).

President: Daniel (upper vice president, Officially resigns in this episode) Taylor (Female President)

Season 7

Jack’s merits: digging out the corrupt government officials is equivalent to saving President

Jack’s losses: losing his best boss, Bill, being infected with biochemical weapons, and losing Tony again (not dead in jail)

President: Taylor (son was assassinated, husband Seriously injured, his daughter went to jail) The

eighth season of

Jack’s Merit: Exposing the joint conspiracy of several national leaders.

Jack’s loss: losing another lover Renee, losing the opportunity to live an ordinary life, being chased and killed by several countries and forced to flee

President: Taylor (wake up at the end of the season, let Jack escape, and face judicial rulings by himself, probably also under house arrest)

Season 9: Live another day

Jack's feat: Saved Chloe, saved London, and avoided Sino-US war

Jack Loss: Lost his lover Audrey, and was arrested to the Russian

President in order to save Chloe : Heller (former Minister of Defense, Audrey’s father, I had Alzheimer’s disease, and his most beloved daughter died)

It is said that they are again Planning to shoot the tenth season, this time Jack is going to save the universe? Exhausted.

View more about 24: Live Another Day reviews