Classic samurai anime

Elyse 2022-11-29 14:47:58

I just watched this anime recently. I really like it. Here are the highlights of this anime.

The protagonist of the anime is Wuhuan, Fengheren. Wuhuan is arrogant, wandering, and fond of female sex. A man with a beast-like intuition and ability to surpass ordinary humans. Wuhuan uses a completely self-created flow sword technique, with unexpected moves in every battle. He was born on an island where prisoners were exiled in Ryukyu. "Nobody believes" is his only way of life, pursuing a force stronger than anyone. I feel that Wuhuan is a person who is very arrogant and domineering on the surface, but is actually very kind in heart, and also a more just person. But he also has many shortcomings, which are reflections of many real people.

Ren is a taciturn warrior, wearing rimless glasses that were rare in that era. In the Edo period, there was a swordsman who maintained an astonishing record of not failing against other genres more than a thousand times. Using the phantom swordsmanship that reached the extreme meaning of Japanese swordsmanship but disappeared without a decent official record. Ren killed his master for some reason when he was young, and was hunted down for this reason. My personal favorite character is benevolence, not talkative, calm in heart, and a little humorous, honest and kind in heart.

Feng is a working girl in a tavern who has lost her parents since childhood. She had been looking for a samurai with the smell of sunflower on her body. Working in a wide range of industries might get clues about that man, and eventually wandered around the country to find that man. Later, Wuhuan and Ren appeared in front of her. So Feng made an agreement with them, and from then on, the three of them began their journey to find a man with a scent of sunflower. Feng is a very witty, cute, and kind-hearted girl.

In addition, the music of this anime is also very good. The theme song is very style, there is a feeling of lazy memories, but some are mixed with heavy, very individual. The style of painting is also unique. The plot is very realistic and not long-winded. It also reflects the history of Japan's Edo period to a certain extent. In short, it is a very good anime that is worth watching.

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Samurai Champloo quotes

  • Mugen: When you point a sword at someone either you kill them or they kill you, there ain't no inbetween. So quit talkin' like a fuckin' pussy. Anyone who can't handle that should just SHUT THE FUCK UP and GET OVER IT!

  • Sara: What I can't see I can sense.

    Mugen: [stumbling, bleeding] What?

    Sara: Inside of you looms a simmering storm of hatred and rage, but perhaps what I'm actually sensing is sadness. It's as if you've never once been loved by anyone; it's as if you're just like me.