Suicide forest video, it may be more fun to be embedded in the legend. If you have actually been there, you will feel more

Darion 2022-10-07 08:07:12

Foreword: The sea of ​​trees at the foot of Mount Fuji in Japan is a real existence. In the early days, it was just an ordinary forest. However, because a writer wrote a novel describing someone who came here to commit suicide, since then many people in Japan who are willing to commit suicide will come here. According to official Japanese statistics, in recent years, the number of people who died and went missing has averaged 60-70 per year, that is, people come here every week.

In reality, this is indeed because there are more metals and magnetic fields are chaotic. Signals and compass watches may fail. In addition, there are fewer reference objects in the forest, so it is really easy to get lost. Combined with psychology, when a person is in an extremely insecure situation, it can really produce a lot of anxiety, impatience, sorrow, despair and even hallucinations.

Some suicides will give up suicidal thoughts after spending a night in it. Maybe the silence of the night will wash their souls.

Okay, the text begins: the
story is about an American woman salad dressing looking for a non-mainstream sister who was a foreign teacher in Japan and disappeared. Some commented that it was a split personality, which is obviously not. After all, all the dialogues from the beginning of the brother-in-law to the back can be determined to be true. The sister relationship, because the salad dressing began to hallucinate after entering the forest overnight.

In the process of worrying about how to enter, I met a Canadian hitchhiker and a handsome Japanese local guide. In fact, the direction of the story has been clicked here many times. The forest will amplify your sorrow and make you hallucinate, which may be equivalent to our domestic theory. I have thoughts at night.
In the forest, the twins directly let the salad dressing feel the camp, and then began the road of pretending to be dead, first running around in the forest in the middle of the night, I think it is impossible for normal people to blindly chase one in an area where they can get lost at any time. The inexplicable expression is weird and the whole body is a female high school student who has returned from a field battle, but our heroine is not. After rejecting the correct advice of the handsome Japanese guide in the sunset, she started tracking in the field again, and she fell a dog shit. , If it weren't for the hitch-up guy, he might have run away.

But at this time the hint of high school students has planted the seeds of distrust, and the salad dressing began to suspect the male protagonist. From this time on, the environment of the two has been intersecting illusion and reality. For example, the female protagonist found her wounds. A bug saw the picture and cut her wrist, but she was temporarily awake by the call of the man who hit up. Another example is that the river downstream has turned into a countercurrent, and she complains about the male protagonist's going backwards. Another example is finding that the male protagonist’s cell phone has a younger sister. The photos started to flee wildly, including falling into the pit. In short, the cross-processing here seems to have some problems with the connection, and some are more abrupt. I don’t know if it’s because of the director’s cut version. In short, although many viewers think it’s possible. It's an illusion, but because the plot has been taking you into the suit that the hitman may be the murderer, the plot is a bit blunt in the process of ups and downs.

Then there is the ending part. There are several points:
1. Sarachan killed the hitman because of the hallucinations. I don’t know if there is some explanation here. If you look at the state of entering the mountain, the hitman is indeed guarding her, this The killing may be real, but according to the ending rescue team's statement, it seems that it did not consider whether the heroine was saved or another. In fact, tragedy can be avoided. When you find that a woman may be crazy and have hallucinations, would you still blindly snatch her to increase her fear? A smart person should retreat temporarily, let her feel safe temporarily, and then slowly figure out a way to lobby, after all, she is crazy and you are not crazy.

2. The illusion in the basement is that she covered her sister’s eyes, and then saw the true thoughts of the death of her parents. According to the principle of psychological mapping, if the scene in the basement is the original scene, then it means that Sarachan lied. I really saw that my parents died, not my sister. Perhaps it is because of these that her nerves are more sensitive and her forehead is prone to fever. When your parents are lost due to abnormal reasons, your sister may become the only one for you. emotional support. If the scene is false, it means that it is just a simple atmosphere of terror, tempting her to commit suicide, but this is weird. Doesn't she know that seeing the past is impossible? At this time, I still believe that it is not an illusion and my own wrist...

3. Sarah’s sister finally said that she felt the silence because she told the audience that her sister had died and the twins’ feelings were gone. Stopping her from a female high school student also explained this point, just to tell her that she couldn't return to the original world. But at the end, my brother-in-law didn’t continue the search and rescue. It was a bit unreasonable. Normally, my brother-in-law begged everyone to continue, and then everyone said it was too dark and searched for Nima coins. Did we die together, and then everyone reluctantly left. That’s why many people It is said that the two sisters are the cause of schizophrenia. However, according to the analysis of the whole play, the sister and brother-in-law explained that they were going to save the sister and traveled across the ocean. If the brother-in-law knew that the sister was neurotic and split, then she would not be allowed to go abroad, because you knew that this sister did not exist. She's going, she won't be willing to just use the air ticket, okay? Secondly, it mentions my sister’s recognition many times, such as the school principal’s dormitory, etc. These are all her experiences before hallucinations, unless you say that American movies are the same as our celestial blockbusters, from beginning to end, they are hallucinations. Then I won't say anything. After all, your review of my film is just an illusion.

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Extended Reading

The Forest quotes

  • Sara: I don't know if this forest made you psycho or you were always this crazy.

  • Aiden: See... there's nothing there.