Say goodbye to love that doesn't belong to you

Laurence 2022-08-05 22:25:44

Love you?

Love you?

"There used to be a sincere relationship in front of me, I didn't know how to cherish it, so I missed each other."
(The following is the plot part)
Lenny and Jack met by chance at Columbia University and gave each other the first time [in Romantic and relaxing chat]. After 12 years, the heroine and the man she pursued in college had an ambiguous relationship for 10 years, and finally that man married another woman-Emma (os: a man just knows what woman can be ambiguous, what woman You can get married and have children for a lifetime.) Without hesitation to separate from the heroine, the heroine is heartbroken and even feels sick. At this time, I met the male lead Jack. The male lead has been living an amorous life and has a very bad reputation, but the actor does not hate him at all for his face.
Later, it was the male lead and female lead who were ordinary friends who were dating and chatting like best friends, and felt more and more inseparable from each other, so they separated again. It's time to calm down, is it love for each other? Can the rest of life be together? Both parties may be waiting for an opportunity...
Thank you

"Failed love will always make us lose our confidence and judgment. Are you the one who suits my life?"
(The following is the plot part)
Yes, thank you for letting me know the taste of love. It turns out that love can surpass the pleasure brought by sexual desire, can be entangled with each other without getting tired, and can become mutual dependence. Maybe the other party is not good, but she/he is yours. Understand you, cherish you.
I still miss you most in the end

"I still can't help thinking about you, I can't help but fight for you, I can't help but call you"
(The following is the plot part)
When the male protagonist wanted to run a relationship, he met a gynecological man and his wife, and he took the initiative He stepped forward and gave him a punch, followed by a punch, and then the wife of the gynecological male gave birth to the child, and the gynecological male and the male lead entered the detention center. The male lead called the female lead to express their feelings to each other. Gynecological males appealed, the male lead negotiated several times for personal matters, and the gynecological males still have a temper? So the hostess walked into the male gynecological office and confessed for a while, the male gynecological man said very vigilantly: "I don't like your preferences, but it doesn't mean I don't know." (os: I am not for fun, but we are not suitable. What does this mean??? excuse me???) Although the hostess bid farewell to the gynecological man this time, it was quite touching.
/ / Love, you really have to think carefully about it. The lucky ones can directly accompany oneself for life, and the unlucky ones may be the same as the heroine and the heroine. Life really needs to be right to be together. There is nothing wrong with the male lead, female lead, and gynecological male. There is no big right and wrong, and there is no right or wrong. If you encounter a very difficult fate, you should break it off anyway. It's good for both sides, and the memories are good. Why care about too much gains and losses?

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Sleeping with Other People quotes

  • Jake: First off, in our initial conversations about exclusivity, I distinctly recall you saying something about "staying casual," yeah?

    Hannah: I only said that...

    Jake: Most likely because you thought that was what I wanted to hear, yes?

    Hannah: Yes.

    Jake: Okay. Well, me taking you at your word doesn't make me an asshole. It does however make you a liar.

  • Sam: You can't get better. Lainey, you're not an addict. Okay.

    [starts sobbing]

    Sam: You're just a whore. You're a whore.