Far less than expected "The Wasteland"

Deshaun 2022-12-03 05:45:12

This place is called Badland, and the rule here is that the weak will eat the strong, and only weapons and offensives can give oneself enough sense of security.

The living people here are divided into three types: the

first is the lord, they all have their own power, because they each monopolize the same thing, or gold, or oil, or canal, or drugs...monopoly lord Have absolute control.

The second type is the guards. Simply put, they are the thugs of the lord. Their responsibility is to protect the safety of the lord’s family and all wealth. They train and do not work every day, rely on the lord to support them, and their status will be improved if they do well.

There are also slaves, low status, working for the lord, supervised by the guards, and no right to speak. Everything about them is not theirs, they are part of the lord’s wealth.

Some descriptions will definitely remind you of the "era of black slaves" in the United States. Yes, maybe this is that era. If not, at least the social relationship characteristics of that era are used for reference.

The above is the social structure in the new American drama "The Wasteland" starring Wu Yanzu.

Officials once said that the play was adapted from "Journey to the West", one of China’s four major classics. Said Journey to the West.

After watching the first four episodes, I just want to say, "Learn from you, a big-headed ghost!"

From the character design, the plot to the story, turning inside and out two or three times, I can't find a good cut that fits the Westward Journey? At least I don't see where to learn from it now.

If the gimmick of "Wu Yanzu + Adaptation of Westward Journey" is to expand the influence of the play in China, then it succeeded for me, because I really paid attention to it the first time and looked for it.

But it actually failed because the show was too bloody and dark, and it was blacklisted before it was broadcast, so that it could not be sold in China at all, and it could not be broadcast normally. Those who want to watch the show in China can only like I also went online to find seeds.

In this drama, the screenwriter assumes that there are no purely good people in the world, only pure interests, and most people do things only for profit. This setting is already a bad old stalk in American dramas.

Deception and betrayal are just tools for everyone to seek their own interests, no matter which social class they are in, no matter which social group they are in, even the family.

Honesty and kindness are rare qualities, and these differ from person to person, that is, the good person in front of a person may be the evil person in front of the whole world.

In between, coupled with the drought and barren environment, this place is called "bad soil" by everyone.

Above the bad soil, people do not believe in all the good qualities, and must be vigilant and suspicious of others at all times.

This is the most effective law of survival, except between the male and female protagonists.

I heard that this is a story about Journey, but there are 6 episodes in the first season, and now 4 episodes have passed. The characters in the play are still trapped in the bad soil and cannot extricate themselves.

As for whether there is a second season, the official said it depends on the ratings of the first season.

In other words, if the ratings of the first season did not meet expectations, then people who watched the first season basically watched it for nothing, because the story has ended before it officially starts.

Although there are only 6 episodes in total, the plot still appears to be protracted. The screenwriter and director spend a lot of time on things that have little to do with the real theme. Although relying on fighting and blood to attract the audience's attention, it looks really not addictive.

Although many settings can be understood as showing the evil of human nature, there is actually no need to emphasize it through this plot stacking method. This will only cause the plot development to be not smooth enough, and there will always be uncomfortable like a thorn in the throat. The feeling of stuttering.

In a place full of evil, evil itself does not need to be deliberately expressed, because it runs through various things themselves.

What the screenwriter most needs to do is to let the protagonists concentrate on what they want to do most, and then show evil in the intersection with other things, instead of spending a large amount of space on it as it is now, which will make The story was forcibly broken up.

In addition, the overall performance of the actors was not brilliant enough, and it was too satisfactory to find any bright spots.

Wu Yanzu played the leading actor. Due to the role setting, he maintained a facial paralyzed posture most of the time, even speaking without expression.

If this is to express calmness, then there is a layer of unsteadiness floating in this calmness; if this is to express coldness, then this kind of coldness seems too gentle...

Other characters have similar problems, they want to express but they give people. It seems that the performance is not in place. Is this a problem of the director and screenwriter or the actor?

A standard Hollywood-style TV series, but it may not meet the Hollywood standards. Compared with classic American dramas such as "Prison Break", "House of Cards", and "Breaking Bad", the gap is not small.

Of course, with this drama, you can easily kill most of the domestic dramas and there is still room left.

If the total is 10 points, then I will give the show 7 points. The reason is that the action scenes are good and the actresses are good-looking.

The play is not recommended. Interested friends can find it. For mediocre products on this standard assembly line, it is recommended not to have too high expectations, so you may get a little surprise.

that's all!

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