Father and son

Randi 2022-12-04 08:16:00

In the film, the British prison management is quite chaotic. Prisoners can go to other people's cells at will, mix with prison guards, and hand out dangerous items such as lighters. Prison guards collude with prisoners and are prone to riots. Mr. Bowmer's special care correction group was disbanded because his father Neve wanted to go in, but because his father Neve wanted to go in, the correction group was disbanded, and Bowmer left. Eric beat Neve and won, but also beat the prisoner boss by the way. The warden wanted to make Eric and the boss say to kill him. The boss agreed. When the prison guard hangs Eric and pretends to hang him, Neve Asking the boss to ensure Eric’s safety, the boss drew a knife from the table to kill Neve while pretending to agree, but he was killed. Neve rushed to save his son, but was transferred to prison. The father and son were reconciled before leaving, Eric Ke also gradually put aside his violence and progressed with the members of the correction team. The protagonist reveals the bird, and his father is in prison.

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Extended Reading

Starred Up quotes

  • [first lines]

    Principal Officer Scott: Uncuff him.

  • [last lines]

    Neville Love: Proud to be your dad.