First season summary

Shyanne 2022-12-14 15:58:43

In the first season,

8-year-old mia predicts the future of

angry Barley. His brain can withstand tremendous pressure. When he is angry and afraid, it will cause high pressure in everything around him.
Carl is a martial artist. The drug addict invaded, but unfortunately he didn’t wait for Shawn’s public treatment;
when lily left, the child was still very young, and she wanted to return to the lawyer’s husband and recognize her daughter after 11 years of absence; the
split X is similar to the queen, allowing everyone around
human diet to lose weight. Applebaum, everyone who shares a glass of water with him can get rid of fat troubles;
serial killer knox can persuade others with words;
baby isabella actually made three people commit suicide when
she was still in her infancy; Alana of S0206 appeared wonderful, In just a moment, she and Tom have memories and feelings for eight years. In fact, our life is never time, but memory;

theme song:
Bosshouse is great
how long ago

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Extended Reading

The 4400 quotes

  • Shawn Farrell: [to Jordan Collier] That baby really kicked your ass.

  • Diana Skouris: [Marco hands Diana the fake version of Maia's diary of predictions] This is insane. It's also the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me.