Use almost primitive violence to tear the latent love in happiness

Shirley 2022-11-04 20:56:42

Over the years, I have become more and more admired by British movies and British dramas. They make comedies, which can make you laugh from the bottom of your heart. Whether it is playing English word games or the kind of slightly neurotic British humor, American comedies are not able to match (Does this also show the two The country’s control of the English language is unsurpassed); they make social problem dramas, which can make you worried and depressed and even willing to accompany the protagonist to life and death (such British dramas include the accused; criminal justice) ;I admire them for their courage

to hit the root of the problem, never evade, and tear everything apart for you; back to the movie itself, Eric Love basically grew up in a parentless environment, he is nervous, sensitive, and self-conscious. The protection consciousness is far superior to those of the same age (as can be seen from the first fighting scene after he was in prison, the inmate on the opposite side just wanted to give him a lighter, but he beat him to death). Many people feel uncomfortable with his almost animal fighting, but I think this is precisely the characteristic that the protagonist must bring when he grows up in an environment without love and care: he must protect himself (paint the baby oil all over his body and let the prison guard catch him It’s a good trick to keep going); he has hatred to vent (he yearns for his father’s love, and he is happy to be transferred to this prison because he can be with his father, but his father gives him an order and orders him to do something. He didn’t teach him anything. He was angry because of this. Perhaps only he knew how much of the almost violent fighting was to vent the pain and dissatisfaction in his heart); The restraint of the learning shows that he wants to make real friends and he wants to be cared by others. Unfortunately, the process of learning was interrupted mercilessly by being inserted in the middle of the study by his father;

In the bottom of my heart, Nevills should love children very much. His boyfriend in prison is right. His irritability is actually jealous, because his son did not find himself as a backer, but made friends with other prisoners. Friend; from the bottom of his heart, he hopes that his son can be released from prison. This can be seen from the details of the sponsor conversation played by Rupert Friend: Father hopes that his son can learn the civilized way of doing things in the group, how to talk and do things with his beloved girl, etc.; He may know that he has no ability to teach him this, so he hopes that the sponsor can teach his son on his behalf; the father is watching his son’s discussion and learning outside the group discussion. It is full of love (don’t tell me your parents didn’t have your first day of school) Stand outside the door and observe you); even if the father and son finally confront each other and both are locked up, the father always worry about the safety of the son. In the end, the only thing that kills people is to get out of the son. Father full of love.

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Starred Up quotes

  • [first lines]

    Principal Officer Scott: Uncuff him.

  • [last lines]

    Neville Love: Proud to be your dad.