A thrilling war scenario

Maia 2022-12-20 15:01:03

This season of American drama is a thrilling war scenario. And the plot is very political. 1. The president surrenders to the terrorists. 2. The people around the president communicate with Tsarist Russia. 3. The people around the president are all hungry. 4. The U.S. unmanned system is very weak. 5. The U.S. command system has serious loopholes. Hey makes sense at first glance. Just wait, you know. This season is basically synchronized with the physical time, and the concurrent lens mode is turned on. I feel that this is not a traditional method.
A few questions:
[Episode 12] Is the beheading blackening Xiaoqiang?
The Western understanding of Eastern culture often confuses Japan and the Celestial dynasty. The chrysanthemum and sword are the distinguishing characteristics of Japan (one of the descendants of Tang culture).
In fact, the president’s actor is called Uncle Fried. Isn’t this the Sith in Star Wars? A
few clues: love, responsibility, drones, hunting, betrayal, and repeated crossovers. It is said that American TV shows have patterns. But Xiaoqiang took out the pistol to commit suicide in the cabin, which really revitalized the whole drama. Even if it was filmed according to the pattern, this link was the result of emergence. The tenth season is definitely going to be filmed.
Regarding drones, I like this comment:
For such long-range drones, the ground measurement and control system must use satellite communication links to perform measurement and control. If you want to take over the drones, even if they hack into the U.S. drone base, The U.S. military can also turn off the ground antenna, unless the terrorist owns an antenna. If so, the U.S. military’s global electronic reconnaissance satellites can easily find the antenna and destroy it, or directly close the satellite forwarding link, so terrorists must ensure that the ground antenna Not to be destroyed, but also to be able to take over the US military’s transponder satellites. To take over the satellites, similarly, there must be ground antennas and the absolute code table of the US military satellites. Even if these are achieved, the US military still has many ways, such as If the GPS system is turned off, the drone will not know where to fly, or use anti-satellite weapons to directly kill the controlled satellite, it is impossible to be so incompetent to the TV.

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